Department of Civil Law
Department of Civil Law provides number of courses in Ist as well as in IInd degree of university studies in all fields of studies provided by the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava. Courses are primarily focused on civil substantive law, civil procedure and family law in the form of compulsory, selective compulsory courses and elective courses. In the IIIrd degree, Department provides teaching and training of PhD. students in the field of civil law.
To the university graduates we offer opportunity to conduct a rigorous procedure in the study field of law, while the subjects of the rigorous exams can be either substantive civil law or procedural civil law.
In addition to teaching and publishing, the members of the Department of Civil Law participate in scientific research by participating in scientific grant projects, they are members of the editorial boards of singnificant scientific journals not only in the Slovak Republic, but also abroad. The members of the department prepare expert opinions for the law practicing subjects.