Department of Financial Law
The Department of Financial Law (“the Department”) represents one of the departments within the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava. In accordance with the decision rendered by the Dean of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava on 1 March 2015, the Department obtained the status of an individual department and thus separated from Commercial and Economic Law with which it formerly constituted a single department. This act of separation carried out by the Faculty of Law of Comenius University conveys that the Faculty of Law follows the trend observed by other Slovak and Czech faculties of law and thus expresses the increasing importance and expansion of this field which has its characteristic features. At the same time, the establishment of an individual department continues in the tradition of existence of an individual seminar, institute or department of financial law and financial science in the years 1928-1948 and 1960-1970.
The main courses offered by the Department are the compulsory courses of Financial Law I, Financial Law II, selective compulsory courses (e.g. Tax Law) as well as a number of elective courses (e.g. Banking Law, Regulation and Supervision of the Activities of Financial Market Entities, International Taxation) which deal in greater detail with individual subsectors of financial law and which are taught both in Slovak and English.
Head of Department:
doc. JUDr. Simona Heseková, PhD.
Deputy Head of Department:
JUDr. Yana Daudrikh, PhD.
tel.: 02/ 9012 8902
offices: 202, 203, 206 (old building)
address: Department of Financial Law, Comenius University, Faculty of Law Šafárikovo nám. č. 6 P.O.BOX 313 810 00 Bratislava