Faculty of LawComenius University Bratislava

Department of Legal History and Comparative Law

The Department of Legal History and Comparative Law is the successor of the historical-legal seminars from the period of the founding of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava, later transformed into institutes and subsequently into departments. The long-term name of the department was the Department of the History of State and Law and later the Department of Legal History. At present, one professor, two associate professors and four assistant professors work at the department both pedagogically and scientifically. PhD candidates are also involved in teaching. The staff of the Department closely cooperates with all other departments of the Faculty. In pedagogical activities, it is especially with the Institute of Clinical Legal Education and the Department of Roman Law and Ecclesiastical Law. The joint study programme Theory and History of State and Law is provided by the Department together with the Department of Theory of Law and Philosophy of Law. The staff of the Department provides teaching at all levels of higher education in courses covering the field of Slovak legal history, global legal history and comparative law.

Head of Department:

·         Professor Mgr. Miroslav Lysý, PhD.

Deputy Head of Department:

·         Assistant Professor Mgr. et Mgr. Matej Mlkvý, PhD., LL.M.


·         tel.: (+421) 2 592 44 304

·         e-mail: kpdpk@flaw.uniba.sk

·         offices: 308 - 309 SB, 412 - 415 SB

·         address:

          Department of Legal History and Comparative Law

          Comenius University, Faculty of Law

          Šafárikovo námestie č. 6, P.O.BOX 313

          810 00 Bratislava, Slovakia