Faculty of LawComenius University Bratislava


General information on the courses

Theory of Law I. - (study programme: Law and Management)

Theory of Law II. - (study programme: Law and Management)

Interpretation and Argumentation in Legal Practice


For courses taught in the Slovak language, see more here.

Teaching Information for Students

Information on scheduling

In connection with scheduling or regarding conflicts in the schedule in the winter semester of the academic year 2023/2024, please contact the Deputy Head of the Department Mgr. Olexij M. Meteňkanyč, PhD., and only in objective cases.

External form of study (AY 23/24)

Contact/presence teaching of the course Theory of Law I in the external form of study (in Slovak language) takes place in the lecture hall of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava (Amfiteáter). Alternatively, external students can join a team in the MS Teams application using the code: 7nlhlyk

Contact/presence teaching of the course Legal and Political Philosophy in the external study form (in Slovak language)  takes place in the lecture hall of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava (Amfiteáter). Alternatively, external students can join a team in the MS Teams application using the code: dj8yxtq

Contact/presence teaching of the course Argumentation in Law and Interpretation of Law in the external form of study (in Slovak language)  takes place in the premises of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava (604 NB, except for the last concentration, it will take place in room 615 NB - the secretariat of the Department of Theory of Law and Philosophy of Law). Alternatively, external students can join a team in MS Teams using the code: 68v1193

Contact/presence teaching of the course Logical Semantics and Methodological Propaedeutics for Lawyers in the external form of study (in Slovak language) takes place in the premises of the Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava (601 NB). Alternatively, external students can join a team in the MS Teams application using the code: sjf10qw

General Information on the Use of Printed or Digital Legal Texts during Exams

Courses taught and examined by the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law do not require the use of legal texts in oral examinations (due to their theoretical nature).


Compulsory courses

Other syllabuses of compulsory courses (taught in Slovak language) can be found here

Optional courses

Other syllabuses of optional courses (taught in Slovak language) can be found here.

Exam Questions

Exam questions: