Faculty of LawComenius University Bratislava


Lectures in Slovak language

On this page we have listed only lectures in English that have been given in the study programmes that we teach in this language. For those who are interested, we also have other lectures available, but they are in Slovak language. These are available here

Lectures - Theory of Law I.

Academic Year 2024/2025

1. week - The Notion and Nature of Law 

2. week - Law and Justice

3. week - Law and Morality

4. week - Sources of Law

5. week - Legal Norm

6. week - System of Law

7. week - Major Legal Systems

8. week - Legal Relations

9. week - Interpretation of Law

10. week - Application of Law

11. week - Rule of Law

12. week - Repetition

Academic Year 2022/2023

1. week - The Notion and Nature of Law 

2. week - Law and Justice

3. week - Law and Morality

4. week - Sources of Law

5. week - Legal Norm

6. week - System of Law

7. week - Major Legal Systems

8. week - Legal Relations

9. week - Interpretation of Law

10. week - Application of Law

11. week - Rule of Law

12. week - Repetition

Lectures - Theory of Law II. (Basics of Political Science and International Law)

Academic Year 2022/2023

1. week - State and law (theory, concepts, relationship)

2. week - Democracy and the Rule of Law

3. week - Power, Authority and Law

4. week - Forms of resistance (Citizen and state: civil society, civil disobedience..)

5. week - Law and politics

6. week - Globalization in Law and Legal Pluralism

7. week - International law – concept, subject and place in the system

8. week - Easter holidays

9. week - Relationship between national land international law 

10. week - International treaty and other sources of PIL

11. week - Labour Day (Public Holiday)

12. week - Day of Victory over Fascism (Public Holiday)