On May 9, 2024, the final meeting of the Nonprofit Sector Legal Clinic took place, in which bachelor's and master's degree students cooperated with consultants - lawyers from @cisco to develop contractual documentation (GDPR, volunteer agreements) for SADDA, Slovak ADHD Association, which is engaged in activities in the field of assistance and education about adults with ADHD.
In their analysis, the student team had to deal with an assignment from SADDA - the Slovak ADHD Association, which has the ambition to bring together people with ADHD in order to create a community with educational and awareness-raising activities about ADHD, along with the involvement of volunteers from university student councils and other individuals in these activities.
To this end, the student team developed the GDPR rules necessary for the processing of personal data within the community, as well as the templates for the consent to the processing of personal data and the volunteering agreement.
The outputs from the student team within the NonProfit Sector Legal Clinic were welcomed very warmly and gratefully by the clients, as well as the promise of future potential cooperation on other legal aspects of the emerging project on mental health for people with ADHD.
If you are interested in and not indifferent to the fate of the nonprofit sector, do not hesitate to apply soon for the Nonprofit Sector Legal Clinic in the academic year 2024/2025 and participate in (legal) assistance with interesting projects!