Faculty of LawComenius University Bratislava



13. 09. 2022 12.57 hod.

The Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava (hereinafter referred to as ,,Praf UK“), the oldest law faculty in Slovakia, has officially started the celebration of its 100th anniversary.

The celebrations of the 100th anniversary started on 6.9.2022 in the lobby of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University with an exhibition, which provides an insight into the study of law in Slovakia before and after the establishment of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University. The exhibition also introduces the historical and current seats of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University, as well as major aspects of study at the faculty and its individual departments, chairs and institutes. The exhibition was officially presented by the curator of the exhibition, Mária Grófová, Head of the CU Archives, who received a commemorative medal from the hands of the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Assoc. Prof. Eduard Burda. The exhibition will last until 31.12.2022.

The exhibition was followed by a meeting of the Ceremonial Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law, CU. After the ceremonial speeches of the Dean of Facuty of Law CU Assoc. Prof. Eduard Burda, the Rector of Comenius University Prof. Števček and other distinguished guests from the academic sector as well as from the legal profession, commemorative medals were ceremoniously awarded. The commemorative medals were conferred not only for support and cooperation, but also for the protection of academic rights and freedoms. The meeting was accompanied by a vocal and piano performance by Miriam Gallová, a student of the Faculty of Law CU.

The opening of the 100th anniversary celebrations was finished with a gala evening hosted by Karin Majtánová. The cultural part of the gala evening was performed by the Orchestra Dominanta conducted by Jozef Schwarzbacher and a student of the Faculty of Law CU, a dancer performer. The highlight of the programme was the launching of the three-volume History of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava presented by Professor Vojáček.

The 100th anniversary celebrations have only just begun. The rich programme throughout September includes many professional, scientific, as well as entertainment and sporting events. Already on 12 and 13 September, the international scientific conference Bratislava Law Forum will take place, with more than 200 participants in 16 sessions. The central theme of the plenary session of the conference is „Rule of Law and Academia in the Turbulences of 100 years“.

Many sports and amusement events as well  professional lectures are organized for students and employees of PraF UK. The celebrations of the 100th anniversary will finish with a concert of the musical band Gypsy Devils together with their guests Martina Schindlerová, Dávid Virág and Miriam Gallová.

The complete programme of the 100th anniversary celebrations is available at https://www.flaw.uniba.sk/o-fakulte/100-rokov-praf-uk/.

Photo gallery available at: https://www.flaw.uniba.sk/o-fakulte/aktivity-a-media/obrazova-galeria/ .