CZECH-SLOVAK ROUND OF Student Scientific and Specialist Activity (SSSA) 2023
On Thursday, 21 September 2023, the Czech-Slovak round of the SSSA took place at the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague. It was attended by students from eight law faculties of public universities in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. This year our faculty was awarded 2 bronze medals, which were awarded to both winners of the sections of our faculty's SSSA conference
On Thursday, 21 September 2023, the Czech-Slovak round of the SSSA took place at the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague. It was attended by students from eight law faculties of public universities in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. This year our faculty was awarded 2 bronze medals, which were awarded to both winners of the sections of our faculty's SSSA conference:
- Bc. Anna Kocúrová (thesis topic Criminal sanctions of serious forms of misinformation - consultant doc. JUDr. Andrej Beleš, PhD.) in the section Criminal Law
- Adam Briešt'anský (thesis topic Legitimate Restriction of the Right of Assembly in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic - consultant prof. JUDr. Tomáš Ľalík, PhD.) in the section Theory of Law, Constitutional Law and Human Rights.
We congratulate and thank our colleagues. We also thank the other members of the team of our faculty (from students Bc. Tomáš Král, Bc. David Duda, Bc. Daniel Richter, Bc. Michael Kunst, from teachers Assoc. Prof. Radovan Blažek, dr. Stanislav Gaňa, dr. Tamara Čipková, Mgr. Viktória Jančárová and Assoc. Prof. Ján Škrobák).
We are looking forward to the next year of SSSA, we hope that many of you will participate in it!