European Documentation Centre

European Documentation Centre (hereinafter only referred to as "EDC") was created in 1991 as a part of the Library of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University (hereinafter only referred to as "Library of FoL CU"). The aim of EDC is to enhance the research, teaching and study of European integration issues at universities by providing access to documents published by the Publications Office of the European Union in Luxembourg and also by providing different services.
Based on the awarded statute, the European Union provides one selected copy of its periodical and non-periodical publications as well as other documents in English (since 2004, also in Slovak) free of charge.
EDC resources can be found in the back part of the study room of the Library of FoL CU and they can be accessed with a valid library card.
You may find us in the study room of Library of FoL of CU located on the 5th floor in the new building.
EUROLEGIS - free legal consultancy
EURES - European Network of Job Opportunities
Croatia - 28th EU Member State
Electronic publications:
(source: EU Bookshop,
EDC, being part of the Library of FoL CU, provides its users with the following basic services:
· Borrowing services – access to all EU publications along with consultancy. The users may also use: Union Catalogue of Comenius University which also includes EDC resources (books, magazine articles and also some COM documents). Other documents which are not accessible through the online catalogue may be asked for by the users and used only in the library.
· Information and consultancy services – EDC provides information as well as consultancy on its activities, on searching in the Union Catalogue of Comenius University and in EurLex, the EU law database, as well as basic information on the activities of the EU and its institutions.
· Research services – EDC, upon a request, prepares a research from the Union Catalogue of Comenius University and EU law database Eurlex. Research services are subject to a charge in accordance with the services price list.
· Reprographic services – the users of the Library of FoL CU, including the EDC, may use two self-service copy machines and 15 computers with the Internet access and they may print the documents using the network printer. Reprographic services are subject to a charge in accordance with the services price list.
You can also use the services offered by our partner EDC in VTI Centre.
EDC resources have been accumulated gradually ever since 1991. These resources are comprised of:
· monographs
· periodicals
· preparatory working papers (working papers of the EU institutions)
· electronic publications
The total number of EDC resources represents more than 15.500 library units where a part of them is freely accessible in the study room of the Library of FoL CU and in the periodicals study room; other publications are kept in the storeroom of the Library of FoL CU.
Monographs include various publications, e.g. treaties and conventions, conference proceedings, annual reports, projects, activities and statistics programmes. For the sake of their easier search, they have been saved and divided into thematic groups and they can be searched for through the Union Catalogue of CU. There are approximately 6 thousand book titles within the resources of the European Documentation Centre.
There are 20 journal titles from various areas (alphabetical order of journals) in EDC. The number of their printed version decreases annually due to the fact that ever greater number of the journals is accessible online.
EU Legislation
EU legislation is published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
The Library of FoL CU has the most complete collection of EU legislation in Slovakia. It is accessible at microfiches in EDC (1952 – 1991), in its printed version (1991 – 2000) and on CD (continually since 2000). Its Slovak version has also been available since 1 May 2004. The complete texts of the Official Journal may also be found at the following website:
EU Case Law
EDC also maintains a complete collection of EU case law since 1990 which is published in a mothly periodical called Reports of Cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance: section I – Court of Justice, section II – Court of First Instance; since 2004, it has also been available in Slovak language. The complete texts of the judgements of both European courts are also available at: and
PREPARATORY WORKING PAPERS (working papers of the EU institutions)
Preparatory working papers are documents created within various stages of the legislative procedure. This group includes the proposals of the European Commission (COM documents), opinions of the European Economic and Social Committee (CES documents) and the Committee of the Regions (CdR documents). EDC keeps and provides them solely for a presence study:
COM documents (1991-2003)
Some of them may be found in the United Online CU Catalogue with respect to the years 1999 – 2003 and since 1999, the complete texts of these documents have been available at the following website
CES documents (1992-2003)
CdR documents (1998-2003)
The working papers may be requested solely for their presence study at the following contact: , office No.: 524, extension No.: 460.
EDC receives and maintains electronic documents from the EU publishing house in Luxemburg. In case you are interested in borrowing these documents in a presence form, please contact the respective employees behind the counter.
EUROPA (the main server of EU) | |
European Commission | |
European Parliament | |
Court of Justice of the European Communities | |
EU Law | |
EU e-Bookshop | |
Eurostat | |
European Ombudsman | |
Public Tenders | |
Representation of the European Commission to SR | |
EURO:i:portal (information portal CVTISR on European integration) | |