Faculty of LawComenius University Bratislava

Publishing an article in a prestigious foreign journal!

December 16 2024, Computer Law & Security Review

18. 12. 2024 09.39 hod.

We are proud to announce that the members of the research team of the project "Legal and Technical Aspects of Situational Awareness of Cybersecurity" (APVV-23-0137) have achieved a significant scientific success.

JUDr. Michal Rampášek, JUDr. Matúš Mesarčík, PhD., LL.M., and doc. JUDr. Jozef Andraško, PhD., have contributed a scientific publication to the prestigious international scientific journal Computer Law & Security Review: The International Journal of Technology Law and Practice.

Their scientific article entitled "Evolving Cybersecurity of AI-Featured Digital Products and Services: Rise of Standardisation and Certification?" has been accepted for publication in a special issue of the journal focused on the topic EU Cybersecurity: Collective Resilience through Regulation, which will be published in April 2025.

The research points to the growing legal importance of harmonised standards in the EU, especially in the context of AI. These standards, while not always mandatory, are increasingly important for compliance with EU regulations and shape best practices in the field of AI and cybersecurity governance.

You can read the scientific article HERE.

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