Lifelong Learning
Further Education
In order to deepen and extend the professional knowledge of lawyers who have obtained their university degrees as well as graduates of other universities, the Faculty of Law organises further education courses within the scientific field of law.
The goal of further education is to make its participants familiar with the latest theoretical findings concerning the legal sciences, to enrich their knowledge with findings from other related or new scientific disciplines and to deepen their professional specialism in selected areas of law.
Diplomatic Academy of Karol Rybárik
Further education can also take the form of postgraduate study at Diplomatic Academy of Karol Rybárik (previously known as the Institute of International Relations). The study lasts 4 semesters in a full-time format, mainly on Friday afternoons and Saturdays. Its contents and timetable is determined by a study plan.
Academy of Security Studies
Institutions providing the study at the Academy of Security Studies:
- the Slovak Information Service,
- Comenius University in Bratislava, the Faculty of Law,
- Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies
Name of the course:
Academy of Security Studies
Price of the course
2400,- EUR, VAT inclusive (the fee can be either paid in full before the start of the course or for each semester at 1200,- EUR)
Total extent of the course:
120 hours (two-semester course)
Form of the course:
For more information please visit the website:
or send an e-mail to:
Further Education Courses - Comenius courses
Comenius courses represent a new platform of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava, which builds on the concept of lifelong learning, which is part of the educational system and activities of universities.
You can find more information on following website:
Possibility to Order Courses
The Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava may also prepare a specialised course upon the request.
University of the Third Age
The Faculty of Law of Comenius University takes part in programmes organised by the University of Third Age at Comenius University in Bratislava.