Discussion about the legal aspects of revoking amnesty
20 March2017 at 01:00 p.m., Auditorium Maximum, historical building CU, Šafárikovo nám. 6, Bratislava
By: JUDr. Marián Giba, PhD.
The Faculty of Law at CU in Bratislava will hold a specialist public discussion dealing with the topic entitled “Legal Aspects of Amnesty Revocation” which will be held on 20 March 2017 at 01:00 p.m.
The first part of the discussion will be opened by contributions presented by experts without any political past introducing both opinions on the given issue.
Subsequently, other experts will join the discussion through their contributions, including former and current politicians. There will be sufficient room provided for any interaction with the audience comprised mainly of law students and possibly media.
We are gradually updating the list of participants.
The current list includes the following participants:
- JUDr. Marián Giba, PhD. – vice dean, lawyer (Sloboda a solidarita), attorney
- doc. JUDr. Peter Kresák, CSc. – member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic (MOST-HÍD), lawyer, Faculty of Law, Comenius University
- doc. JUDr. Peter Vršanský, CSc. – lawyer, Faculty of Law, Comenius University
Online stream available at: http://archive.tp.cvtisr.sk/live?3993904