Faculty of LawComenius University Bratislava

Academic year 2023/2024

Submission of applications for the academic year 2023/2024

Information on individual academic years is given in Slovak, information for foreign applicants (students in the daily form of study studying in English) is subsequently communicated to them individually. Further information available only in Slovak.


Všetky potrebné informácie o programe Erasmus+

Výzva na podanie prihlášky pre akademický rok 2023/2024

Prihláška pre študentov programu Ekonómia a právo, ktorí nie sú evidovaní v Aise UK

Podmienky a kritériá výberového konania - Program Erasmus+ pre akademický rok 2023/2024

Aktuálny zoznam zahraničných univerzít alebo tu


V prípade praktických otázok k mobilitám môžete kontaktovať študentov, ktorí na Erasme už boli, a to prostredníctvom našej FB skupiny.


Vyhláška Ministerstva školstva Slovenskej republiky z 15. júna 2009, ktorou sa mení vyhláška Ministerstva školstva Slovenskej republiky č. 319/2008 Z. z.




Information related to the acceptance of students by foreign universities (CONTINUOUSLY UPDATED)

Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles: Factsheet ; Catalog of courses ; Visa procedure


Universiteit Gent: Fact Sheet


Masarykova univerzita: Fact Sheet


University of Tartu: Fact Sheet


Université Grenoble Alpes: Fact Sheet


Université de Lille: English Courses


Université Jean-Moulin Lyon 3: Fact Sheet


Université de Nantes:

The mobilities offered by our establishment are exclusively face-to-face.

Please take the time to read our Information Sheet, as well as our Study Abroad Application Procedure and Housing information available on our page before advising your students to apply online to study abroad at Nantes Université.

In order to ensure that students complete their coursework successfully, a minimum score of B1 of French language, as defined by the Council of Europe, is required by Nantes Université. The Faculty of Letters and Humanities (French Literature, Educational Sciences, Languages Sciences, Information-Communication, Philosophy, History) expect students to have a score of B2 or higherThus, students are asked to provide proof of proficiency in French, attested by the French department at their home university or an official French language test/certificate with the student’s level of proficiency (DELF, DALF, TCF, or OLS).


Université Paris Cité: Fact Sheet


Université de Poitiers: Fact Sheet


Tilburg University: Promotion materials ; Fact Sheet

We are looking forward to beginning our preparations for the 2023-24 academic year of exchanges soon. Please find attached our promotion package as well as our 2023-24 fact sheet, containing important information about Tilburg University’s exchange program. Please pay particular attention to the following important updates:

  • Our immigration procedure for students who require a visa or residence permit to study in the Netherlands will change starting Fall 2023. Students must have access to full living costs (4800 Euros for one-semester students or 9600 Euros for full-year students) in order to start their immigration procedure. They will be required to transfer the full funds to Tilburg University’s Immigration Department via a secure payment link in order to obtain a visa/residence permit. The funds will be reimbursed to them after completion of the immigration procedure. Bank letters, letters of support from family members, etc. will no longer be accepted. Students who will receive a scholarship are allowed to submit scholarship paperwork as proof of funds, but if there is a difference between the scholarship amount and the living costs, they will need to make a transfer of funds or provide acceptable documentation for the difference. Please ensure that your students are aware of this situation in advance, as exceptions cannot be made.
  • As you may have heard from previous students, the demand on housing in many Dutch university cities is tough, and Tilburg is no exception. A room in our reserved accommodation cannot be guaranteed for all students, meaning many students will need to search on the private market for a room. Students are advised to start their search early, and not to travel to Tilburg until they have secured a room.
  • We welcome students of all backgrounds to Tilburg and aim to support students with additional needs. We are now live on the Inclusive Mobility EU website, where you can read more about our services for your students.


Erasmus University Rotterdam: V rámci 1. stupňa štúdia je možné realizovať mobilitu na tejto univerzite len v treťom ročníku.

Požiadavky na jazykový certifikát: For the TOEFL test a minimum score of 90 is required. Tests executed by the British Council with a minimum passing score of 6.5 IELTS (per section at least a 6.0) are also acceptable. Official Cambridge English Languages Certificates that demonstrate you have acquired at least B2 level (CEFR) can also be used as proof of English language proficiency. The International Office does not accept other proof of English proficiency. NB Students with a first or second degree with English as medium of instruction do not have to submit a TOEFL or IELTS test – please submit proof.


Maynooth University: Fact Sheet


Mykolas Romeris University: Fact Sheet

ACADEMIC CALENDAR: A detailed 2023/2024 Academic Calendar is available: https://www.mruni.eu/en/university/internationalization/erasmus-and-exchange-studies-incoming/ 

LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS: Mykolas Romeris University recommends that incoming students have B2 level of English proficiency for full advantages of the mobility (it is obligatory for master cycle students or those who are choosing courses relevant for the master cycle). We expect at least B1 level of English language proficiency in case student does not have B2. Certification by international exams is not expected – Sending University statement or Erasmus+ OLS assessment test results are sufficient.    


Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary: Fact Sheet

Accommodation: Exchange students should be aware that it is their responsibility to find accommodation for the duration of their stay. Students can apply for dormitory placement or rent a flat. As Budapest is a lively big city, students can easily find flats for rent. They can read more about the university dormitories and other possible accommodations on our website.

We are also about to start a cooperation with Spotahome. The contract is under signatures. As soon as the contract is signed by all parties, your incoming students will get KRE discounts on Spotahome’s website. We will notify all your applicants about the discount during the summer.

Courses: The courses offered for Erasmus students are listed according to Faculties on the Erasmus courses webpage of KRE. The other faculties will be able to share their course list in May. The courses are similar each year, therefore, the students can take a look at previous semesters to get an idea of the upcoming year. Please note that the course list can change due to unforeseeable circumstances. Courses might be cancelled, or new ones can appear. Please, regularly check the course list! All Erasmus courses are worth 6 ECTS. Apart from other foreign language programs (Dutch, German, etc), all courses are taught in English.


University of Pécs: You can find detailed information on the registration process and the relevant deadlines here: https://international.pte.hu/mobility-programs/erasmus/erasmus-application-and-dates

Our course lists are available here: https://international.pte.hu/mobility-programs/erasmus/study-guide (Please note that the course lists may change until mid-May, as we currently run a double check on each offered course).


EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht: Fact Sheet

Additional information about our EBS Law Term program can be found on our website


Universität zu Köln: Fact Sheet

Information on student housing: To get a room in student housing it is necessary to apply via the Kölner Studierendenwerk: https://www.kstw.de/en/student-housing. If students are interested in a dormitory at the Kölner Studierendenwerk, they should apply as early as possible. There is often a waiting period of various months. Unfortunately, we do not have influence on the dormitories as university, as the Studierendenwerk is an independent institution that takes its decisions independently of the University of Cologne.

More information on living in Cologne is provided on the website of the International Office: https://portal.uni-koeln.de/international/studium-in-koeln/wohnen-in-koeln. Of course, students can also search for a private room in Cologne, but the housing situation here is very difficult at the moment, so it could be complicated and expensive to rent a private room.


Universität Regensburg: Special Facilities at URUR Academic Calendar 2023/24UR Exchange FactSheet 2023/24UR Exchange Language PrerequisitesUR KEYDATA 2023/24


University of Bergen: Detailed information for exchange students is available at uib.no/exchange  


  • An updated course list for 2023/2024 is available online.
  • Exchange students may choose courses at more than one faculty, but please note that for restricted courses with a limited number of places, students nominated on an exchange agreement in the relevant subject area will be prioritized.  
  • Subject areas only open for exchange students when specified in the exchange agreement: Medicine, Dentistry, Fine art, Design, Music and Performance/composition. Earth Science and Biological Sciences have limited capacity. 

English Language Requirements

  • Students are required to have a minimum level B2 (CEFR) in English. We consider your nomination of the student as confirmation of language proficiency, and do not require any English test to be submitted.
  • Exception: Students who apply for courses in English Language and Literature must have a minimum of level C1 (CEFR). They must document their language proficiency by submitting a test.

Student housing  

  • All exchange students are guaranteed student housing at the Student Welfare Organization (Sammen), if they apply through Sammen’s application portal during the application period 1 April - 15 May
  • The students will be offered housing shortly after the deadline and should accept the offer, even if their admission at UiB is still under consideration.  
  • Shared rooms will be allocated to short term students (1 semester stay) for the autumn semester. 
  • Students who will not be coming to UiB must cancel the tenancy agreement within 19 June. Cancellations after the deadline are treated as an ordinary termination period, meaning that students may only terminate their agreement 3 months after the start of the tenancy, with 3 months' notice.


University of Gdansk: For course offer please visit: https://en.ug.edu.pl/incoming-students/erasmus-2021-2027/erasmus-incoming/courses-english  

If the link does not contain updated information, please contact the faculty coordinator directly: https://en.ug.edu.pl/incoming-students/erasmus-2021-2027/erasmus-incoming/faculty-coordinators


University of Warsaw:

Language Requirements: All Incoming Erasmus+ students are required to have at least a B2 level of English and/or Polish (Common European Framework of Reference: Learning, Teaching, Assessment). Please note that this rule does not apply to students nominated to study languages. They should have at least a B2 level of the language that they will study at the University of Warsaw.   

Academic Offer: The University of Warsaw course offer is available at informatorects.uw.edu.pl or by browsing through the directory at https://usosweb.uw.edu.pl  The offer is being updated on a regular basis. Each student is entitled to 30 ECTS per semester (+10%).  

Departmental Erasmus/Mobility Coordinators: All academic issues should be discussed with Erasmus coordinators at the departmental level. The list of Departmental Mobility Coordinators is available at en.bwz.uw.edu.pl/mobility-coordinators/  

Academic Calendar 

The first semester starts on October 2nd and ends on February 9th

The second semester starts on February 19th  and ends on July 5th

Accommodation: The number of places in University dormitories is limited. Places are assigned by the IRO based on the order of receiving students’ applications. Applicants who submitted their applications after the deadline will not be offered accommodation.  

Additional Information: More practical information can be found at the IRO website. The University of Warsaw Factsheet  


Universidade do Minho: max. 2 študenti počas ZS + max. 2 študenti počas LS


Universidade de Lisboa: Fact Sheet

Our courses are taught mainly in Portuguese, but we will offer some regular and intensive courses in English. In the following links you will be able to find the courses of the academic year 2022/2023 as an example:


Bachelor in Law (Portuguese): https://www.fd.ulisboa.pt/cursos/licenciatura/plano-de-estudos/

Master in Law and Legal Practice (Portuguese): https://www.fd.ulisboa.pt/cursos/mestrados-em-direito-e-pratica-juridica-2/plano-de-estudos-pratica-juridica/programas-e-regentes-20222023/

English Courses: https://www.fd.ulisboa.pt/cursos/programas-internacionais/disciplinas-em-ingles-2/


2022/2023: https://www.fd.ulisboa.pt/cursos-intensivos-2022-2023/

Keep in mind that the list of regular and intensive courses may change and we will keep your students duly updated.


Universität Wien:

Language Requirements for our Incoming Students: The University of Vienna expects all incoming Erasmus+ students to have German language level of B2 (CEFR) for all fields of study except German Studies. For students studying German Studies – German Philology – at the University of Vienna, the new required level of German is C1. If a sufficient amount of courses taught in English is offered by the respective study field at the University of Vienna, the required language level for English corresponds to B2.

The home university confirms in the online nomination that the nominated student fulfils the respective language requirement. Please note that the course offer can vary from year to year, and therefore specific courses cannot be guaranteed in advance. We nonetheless recommend the incoming exchange students to acquire at least basic proficiency in German for them to have a smoother stay in Vienna.


Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: Fact Sheet


Universidad Pontificia Comillas: Fact Sheet ; Fact Sheet - Law ; Academic calendar ; Housing information


Universidad de Salamanca: Fact Sheet


Universidad Pablo de Olavide: Data Sheet


Universitat de València:

The Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia has had to face serious problems in the management of the enrollment of incoming students in the last years due to the increasing interest in the subjects of Law studies taught in English.

In order to solve those problems in the near future, its Mobility Commission has adopted the following rules to be applied as of the academic year 2023/2024:

- Incoming students shall compulsorily enroll in at least one subject per semester or two per year belonging to their own degree.

- Incoming students shall compulsorily enroll in at least one subject taught in Spanish.

We are aware that these restrictions may entail some difficulties for students wishing to choose Valencia as their Erasmus destination, but they are due to our interest in providing a quality public service.


Örebro University: Fact Sheet

We have put together a guide to course planning and selection, which we hope will be helpful for your students. The Swedish course planning model differs from most other countries and often generate many questions from the students.


Università degli Studi di Firenze: Infosheet 2023/2024

We would like to inform you that, from the academic year 2023-2024 onwards, incoming exchange students must provide:

  • Certified B1 level of Italian mandatory to attend courses held in Italian;
  • Certified B2 English mandatory to attend courses held in English, if applicable.

Incoming students can attend one Italian Language course without paying any fees. You can find all the information at this link: https://www.cla.unifi.it/cmpro-v-p-38.html;

Please note that, even in the case of enrolling only in courses taught in English, a knowledge of the Italian language corresponding to B1 level is strongly recommended for day-to-day life at the University and more generally in Florence.

For questions regarding language requirements or accepted certifications please refer to the relevant School. You will find contacts details at this link: https://www.unifi.it/p743.html

In order to help your students to gain the utmost benefits from their mobility experience, the School of Law of the University of Florence will be strict in verifying the respect of the prescribed linguistic skills, as they are crucial to be properly engaged in the teaching activities. For this reason, I have to kindly remind you that incoming students must have a certificate of level B1 in Italian, unless they wish to attend only courses in English, in which case the level required is B2. Please, consider that we do not accept OSL self-evaluations.

I also please you to make sure that your students choose at least 50% of exams from of the teaching offer of the School of Law of the University of Florence. Provided that this condition is satisfied, your students can take the rest of the exams from the teaching offer of the Schools of Economics&Management and Political Sciences.

We would like to remind you also that our exams usually are oral and that no exceptions are allowed for exchange students. The exams take place in the period from mid-December to February 28th (first semester) and from the beginning of June to July 31st (second semester). This is why as a general rule we kindly ask you to write those final dates in the student’s enrolment form; this will avoid the need of extending the mobility for a few days. Obviously, students will be able to end their mobility earlier, as soon as they finish their exams.


Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope: Fact Sheet ENG ; Fact Sheet IT


Università degli Studi di Torino: Fact Sheet


Università degli Studi di Trento: Fact Sheet

UniTrento Guide for International Students with information about the University of Trento, our services, departments and course offerings will be at your disposal at UniTrento International page


University of East Anglia:

For a list of all English language qualifications accepted by UEA, please follow this link. Needed information you can find also here.

Citizens of majority native English-speaking nations and students currently studying in the US are not required to prove their level of English. All other applicants must demonstrate the necessary level of English, regardless of their length of study period and visa status. Please see here for a list of accepted qualifications

If a student's official transcript or English language qualification is not in English, they will be required to provide an official translation as part of their application.