Faculty of LawComenius University Bratislava

Accreditation council of the Faculty of Law

Members of the Accreditation Council of Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law


Chairperson: Prof. JUDr. Marián Vrabko, CSc.

Deputy Chairperson: Prof. JUDr. Mgr. Martina Gajdošová, PhD.


Members under Art.  3(6)(a) IR No 5/2021 (in alphabetic order):

Prof. doc. PaedDr. JCDr. Róbert Brtko, CSc.

Prof. JUDr. Jozef Čentéš, PhD.

Prof. JUDr. Svetlana Ficová, CSc.

Prof. JUDr. Mgr. Martina Gajdošová, PhD.

Doc. JUDr. Peter Lukáčka, PhD.

Prof. Mgr. et Mgr. Miroslav Lysý, PhD.

Prof. JUDr. Mária Patakyová, CS.

Prof. JUDr. PhDr. Miroslav Slašťan, PhD.

Prof. JUDr. Mária Srebalová, PhD.

Prof. JUDr. Ján Svák, DrSc.

prof. ICDr. Cyril Vasiľ, PhD.

Prof. JUDr. Marián Vrabko, CSc.

Members under Art.  3(6)(b) IR No 5/2021 (in alphabetic order):

JUDr. Soňa Mesiarkinová

JUDr. Andrej Popovec

JUDr. Daniel Širhal, MBA

Mgr. Jozef Sedlák

Members under Art.  3(6)(c) IR No 5/2021 (in alphabetic order):

doc. JUDr. Filip Ščerba, Ph.D.

Members under Art.  3(6)(d) IR No 5/2021 (in alphabetic order):

Mgr. Jana Cihanová, LL. M.


Bc. Denisa Mrázová

Miroslav Zelenka




Meetings of the Accreditation Board 

Date:Popis:Minutes (in Slovak):



  1. Opening
  2. Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the AR
  3. Discussion and approval of degree programmes I and II
  4. Discussion and approval of degree III study programmes
  5. Discussion and approval of the proposal to abolish study programmes
  6. Miscellaneous






  1. Opening 
  2. Discussion and approval of the alignment of study programmes with the SAAVS standards in the Bachelor's degree : Management and Law  
  3. Discussion and approval of the alignment of study programmes with the SAAVS standards in the Master's degree : Canon Law  
  4. Miscellaneous 
  5. Conclusion







  1. Opening
  2. Alignment of habilitation and inauguration procedures
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. Conclusion



1. Opening 

2. Discussion and approval (appointment) of the guarantor of the study programme International Law

3. Discussion and approval of proposals for the inclusion of new elective courses

4. Discussion and approval of changes to the recommended curricula of the study programmes and changes to the semester assignment of courses in the study plan

5. Miscellaneous

6. Conclusion










1. Opening of

2. Appointment and removal of the persons responsible for the HIP

3. Discussion and appointment of the co-guarantor of the Labour Law study programme

4. Discussion and appointment of the guarantor and co-guarantor of the study programme EU Law

5.Discussion and approval of the proposal to include new elective courses in the curriculum of the bPRV17 study programme

6.Discussion and approval of the proposal for the inclusion of new elective courses in the curriculum of the mPRV17 study programme and the proposal for the modification of the elective courses included in the curriculum of the mPRV17 study programme













