Bodies for internal system of quality evaluation
The bodies ensuring the internal quality system at the faculty are:
(a) the Accreditation Council of the Faculty,
b) the Council for Quality of the Faculty,
c) the Ethics Council of the Faculty,
d) the Boards of Study Programmes.
The Accreditation Council of the Faculty is a permanent body of the Faculty to ensure the evaluation of study programmes at all levels of study in the field of higher education provided at the Faculty. The role of the Accreditation Board of the Faculty is to discuss and approve proposals for study programmes to be implemented at the Faculty and to submit them to the Accreditation Board of the University for discussion and approval, as well as to perform other tasks stipulated by the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty.
The Council for Quality of the Faculty is a joint advisory, control and initiative body of the Dean of the Faculty and the Academic Senate of the Faculty, in which representatives of students and representatives representing the interests of the external environment, in particular employers or professional chambers, must be represented.
The Ethics Council of the Faculty shall discuss cases of breaches of the University Code of Ethics and the Faculty Code of Conduct, if adopted, by employees of the Faculty and students of the Faculty. The members of the Faculty Ethics Council shall be appointed and dismissed by the Dean.
The Boards of Study Programmesare bodies established by the Faculty as its permanent bodies. The main task of a degree programme council is to prepare a proposal for the accreditation of a new degree programme, a proposal for the modification of a degree programme or a proposal for the suspension or cancellation of a degree programme.