Faculty of LawComenius University Bratislava

Canon Law

Information on study programme

Name of the study programme:Canon Law
Field of study:30. Law/ISCED-F 0421 Law

Cycle/level of qualification:magister/Master (Mgr.)

Academic title:second/ISCED 7
Form of study:part-time/full-time


Code PraF UK AIS2mKANP19/mKANPx19/mKANPx23
Standard length of study:three years (full-time)/four years (part-time)/three years (part-time from 2023)
Method of study:attendance method

About the programme

The Catholic Church, with more than a billion members, is the world's largest organisation, governed by a single system of codified law and a range of other norms governing its internal life and its relations with other organisations, religious communities and the so-called secular, secular sphere on a global scale. The term "canon law" itself can be defined as a set of norms issued or confirmed by a competent ecclesiastical authority in order to properly order and protect the life of the ecclesial community, as well as to safeguard the rights and enforce the duties of the faithful. In this context, it is necessary to reflect that the Catholic Church is an organization that creates for its members a firm personal, psychological and communal rootedness comparable to, and in some ways stronger than, their relationship to the national or political structures of which they are members and whose relations are governed by civil law. As for the need to study this legal system itself, as is well known, knowledge of it belongs to the comprehensive formation of every lawyer. Our study programme, within a secular institution, has the ambition not only to provide a summary overview of the legal system of the Catholic Church, but also to prepare specialized professionals possessing detailed knowledge in this area. After all, their training should not be left exclusively to the so-called ecclesiastical institutions, but cooperation with them should lead to the setting of appropriate standards for the implementation of the study. This process is guaranteed, above all, by the approval of the study programme by the relevant central bodies of the Roman Curia, which we are similarly striving to achieve. The main objective of the Canon Law study programme is thus to provide an education of the highest standard comparable to that of the Pontifical Universities or any other similar institution anywhere in the world.

Board of the Study programme

Members of the Board:


prof. ICDr. Cyril Vasiľ, PhD.VUPCHVTČ
Co-guarantors:prof. ThDr. PaedDr. ICLic. Ján Duda, PhD.VUPCH
prof. doc. JUDr. Mgr. Vojtech Vladár, PhD.VUPCH
doc. JUDr. Mgr. Michal Mrva, PhD., LLM.VUPCH
doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Ondrej Podolec, PhD.VUPCH
Students:JCLic. JUDr. Roland Němec, PhD.
External environment:Mons. ICDr. Tibor Hajdu


Meetengs of the Board of the study programme:

Date:Description:Minutes (in Slovak):
20.05.2022discussion of the draft graduate profile, presentation of study programme descriptionszápisnica
30.05.2022discussion and approval of the alignment of study programmeszápisnica
30.01.2023discussion and approval of changes to the recommended curriculum of the study programme and changes to the semester assignment of courses in the curriculumzápisnica
26.04.2023evaluation of the study programmezápisnica
15.05.2023approval of the removal of lecturerszápisnica
20.10.2023approval of the update of the curriculum descriptions and the internal evaluation reportzápisnica


10.06.2022Accreditation Council of the FLAW CURozhodnutie
19.08.2022Accreditation Council of CURozhodnutie
02.02.2023Accreditation Council of the FLAW CURozhodnutie

Description of study programmes and internal evaluation reports: 

20.05.2022mKANP19 opis
20.05.2022mKANPx19 opis
20.05.2022mKANP19EN opis
20.05.2022mKANPx19EN opis
20.05.2022mKANP19/mKANPx19/mKANP19EN/mKANPx19EN VHS
20.10.2023mKANP19 opis (updated version)
20.10.2023mKANPx19 opis (updated version)
20.10.2023mKANPx23 opis (updated version)
20.10.2023mKANP19EN opis (updated version)
20.10.2023mKANPx19EN opis (updated version)
20.10.2023mKANPx23EN opis (updated version)
20.10.2023mKANP19/mKANPx19/mKANPx23/mKANP19EN/mKANPx19EN/mKANPx23EN VHS (updated version)




The Bishopric of Spiš
