Faculty of LawComenius University Bratislava

Law (in Slovak)

Information on study programme

Name of the study programme:Law
Field of study:30. Law/ISCED-F 0421 Law

Cycle/level of qualification:second/ISCED 7

Academic title:magister/Master (Mgr.)
Form of study:full-time/part-time
Code CRSP 182902/ 182901/184989
Code PraF UK AIS2mPRV17/mPRVx17/mPRVx23
Standard length of study:two years (full-time)/three years (part-time)/two years (part-time form 2023)
Method of study:attendance method

About the programme

The new Master's degree programme in Law is a continuation of the reformed Bachelor's degree programme.

Graduates of the law study programme in the second cycle develop knowledge of all legal disciplines acquired in the first cycle of studies. On the one hand, they place this knowledge in an interdisciplinary context and acquire practical skills in the application of law, but they also place this knowledge in a European and international legal context.

Graduates are able to carry out independently more demanding work in public administration and in the private, primarily commercial sphere; they are able to work as candidates for the legal professions (judiciary, prosecution, advocacy, notary, etc.) or as employees in the judicial sphere. Graduates are able to solve legal problems in a comprehensive manner, both in their national and supranational contexts, with due regard for European Union and international law. In addition to international and European law, graduates also have a good overview of legal history, legal theory, including issues of fundamental human rights and freedoms, are able to link interdisciplinary contexts and actively participate in the legislative process. They are also able to independently resolve ethical dilemmas they encounter in the exercise of their profession. They are able to independently extend and deepen their acquired knowledge. Graduates of the second law degree are able to methodically analyse programmatic and procedural problems in legal practice and are proficient in the procedures and skills involved in the provision of legal advice. They are able to reflect on the position and roles of lawyers in society when practising their profession. Overall, this also creates the prerequisites for them to work in national and multinational corporations or national and international governmental and non-governmental organisations, which require graduates with knowledge of the broader social and transnational context of law to fill positions. The considerable use of the concept of clinical legal education (in particular, simulated judicial and extra-judicial disputes, internships, courses focused on the resolution of ongoing legal cases, courses focused on the complex resolution of simulated legal cases) reflects the long-standing requirements of practice to develop in law students analytical and synthetic thinking, coupled with the ability of graduates to produce high-quality legal outputs immediately after their studies (for details on clinical forms of education, see here).

Compulsory subjects

The structure of the compulsory courses corresponds to the three key areas of the Master's degree programme:

1. practical interdisciplinary skills -- subjects focused on the application of law in practice and interdisciplinary relations

2. historical-legal and comparative contexts and the philosophical-ethical dimension of law

3. international law and European Union law


Compulsory electives

The compulsory elective subjects extend the structure created by the compulsory subjects by subjects focused on historical-legal and comparative contexts and the philosophical-ethical dimension of law.


The electives allow the student to complete his/her profile based on his/her own preferences, with electives focusing on five areas that can be combined and interlinked: transactional and economic law, the law of the protection of the individual and the weaker party, administrative-organisational law in a globalised world, criminal law and forensic disciplines, legal history and legal comparative studies. Clinical forms of education, simulated court proceedings (link) are an essential part of the Master's programme. Our faculty has opened a Student Legal Clinic as part of the educational programme in cooperation with the Slovak Bar Association. 

Graduate profile and educational objectives

Basic characteristics:

The study of law includes theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the understanding and application of law. Law is an interrelated, internally structured system of generally binding norms for the functioning of human society in accordance with the principles of democracy and the rule of law. The study of law takes place from the perspective of the legal order of the Slovak Republic in the context of the law of the European Union and international law or from the perspective of transnational law, taking into account legal comparatistics. It is based on the principle of a democratic rule of law, respect for the human person, protection of fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the principles of honest legal professional and scientific activity. 


Educational objectives:





  • is able to develop knowledge of all legal disciplines acquired in the first cycle of studies and places this knowledge in an interdisciplinary context, as well as in a European and international legal context.
  • deepens knowledge of all the national contexts of the various legal disciplines such as administrative law, constitutional law, European law, civil law, commercial law, criminal law, labour law, and places them in a comparative, international and European context.




  • is able to apply law to practical cases on the basis of the specialised practical skills acquired,
  • acquires the ability to methodically analyse programmatic and procedural problems of legal practice and master the procedures and skills in the provision of legal advice.




  • acquires the ability and responsibility to carry out independently more demanding work in public administration and in the private, primarily commercial, sphere;
  • acquires the ability and responsibility to work as a candidate in the legal professions (judiciary, prosecution, advocacy, notarial services, etc.) or as an employee in the judicial sphere
  • acquires the ability and responsibility to deal independently with ethical dilemmas encountered in the exercise of the profession, reflecting on the position and role of lawyers in society
  • acquires the prerequisites to work in national and transnational corporations or national and international governmental and non-governmental organisations that require graduates with knowledge of the broader social and transnational context of law to fill positions.
  • acquires the prerequisites to pursue doctoral studies.




Main learning outcomes:


(C1) Knowledge:


(V1) has a profound interdisciplinary knowledge of legal theory, including issues of fundamental human rights and freedoms of positive legal disciplines of the national legal order (administrative law, constitutional law, European law, civil law, commercial law, criminal law, labour law), and of international law and European Union law,

(V2) understands the essential contexts, principles and theories of the legal order in the contemporary social context and is able to critically assess them in relation to the ethical dimension of law and the interdisciplinary contexts of law

(V3) understands the transnational contexts of the legal branches of the national legal order

(V4) has knowledge of the theory and application of legal norms with particular reference to their effective operation.

(V5) has a broad theoretical, legal-philosophical and historical-legal knowledge substantially enhanced by practical application skills and the ability to critically assess issues relating to knowledge in the field as well as at the interface between fields.



(C2) Skills:


(V6) has the specialised skills to solve legal problems independently and competently, and is able to use the skills thus acquired in further qualification of legal problems and in their solution,

(V7) is able to link interdisciplinary contexts, by introducing innovative practices into practice, is able to influence the formation of the legal order and actively participate in the legislative process, is able to develop de lege ferenda legislation and actively participate in the development of legislation

(V8) is able to comprehensively solve legal problems in their national and supranational contexts, taking into account the law of the European Union and international law.

(V9) in particular legal areas, can solve problems of both substantive and procedural nature and propose effective solutions.

(V10) can investigate the causal links of phenomena relevant to individual legal disciplines in the context of societal needs and interests, and acquire and transform knowledge from abroad,

(V11) is able to independently conduct effective conversations with different types of clients, litigants, or litigants' counsel, and produce all practical legal output in written form.

(V12) has the ability to integrate knowledge, manage complexity, and formulate decisions with incomplete or limited information, while nevertheless embracing the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of their knowledge and decisions, and can clearly and unambiguously communicate conclusions, their findings, and their rationale to both professional and lay audiences,


(C3) Responsibility and autonomy


(V13) can independently and creatively apply the basic principles of the legal order while reflecting the position and role of the lawyer in society, including the ethical dimension of the legal profession,

(V14) is able to manage and reshape a working or learning environment related to the field of law or public administration or justice that is complex, unpredictable and requires new strategic approaches

(V15) is able to produce high quality legal output in public administration, justice and private spheres related to legal services immediately after study,

(V16) is able to take responsibility for contributing to professional knowledge and practice in the legal professions

(V17) is able to work actively in the highest national bodies, in independent and managerial positions in non-governmental organisations, in the bodies and institutions of the European Union and in other international organisations, and to prepare documents for work in them,

(V18) is able to independently resolve ethical dilemmas encountered in the exercise of his/her profession, has the ability to critically evaluate the relevance of both legal and non-legal information and data and to make socially responsible and moral decisions on this basis. 


Other additional knowledge and skills

The orientation towards the graduate's application in practice is strengthened by forms of clinical legal education and simulated proceedings, which broadens the graduate's abilities and skills.

The graduate's applicability is also enhanced by the basics of foreign legal terminology. Through the system of elective courses and compulsory electives, the graduate can complete his/her specialization in particular branches of law, while clinical subjects will bring him/her even closer to practice during the studies. 

Practical involvement of students in legal counselling also takes place directly in the Student Legal Counselling Centre through a separate clinical course in cooperation with the Slovak Bar Association. Furthermore, students are offered a number of practically oriented clinical courses as well as courses consisting of preparation for simulated litigation and participation in an international competition in simulated litigation.


Employment of graduates

The graduate performs independently more demanding work in the field of public administration and in the private, primarily commercial sphere or works as a candidate of legal professions (judiciary, prosecution, advocacy, notary, etc.), an employee in the judicial sphere.


He/she has the qualifications to work in national and transnational corporations or national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations that require the filling of positions by graduates with knowledge of the broader social and transnational context of law.



Subject to other legal conditions, may practice the professions of judge, prosecutor, advocate, bailiff, notary public.

Admission conditions and admission procedure

Required competences and prerequisites for admission.

a) The basic condition for admission to the study programme of law in the second cycle of higher education is the completion of the study programme of law, or the study field of law, in the first cycle of higher education. Other conditions of admission, namely the deadline for the submission of applications for studies, the conditions of admission, and the method of verifying their fulfilment shall be published by the faculty no later than two months before the last day set for the submission of applications.

Conditions of admission to study at Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law, pursuant to Section 57 of Act No 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, as amended, and information pursuant to Article 3(5) of the Rules of the Admission Procedure at Comenius University in Bratislava (Internal Regulation No 4/2021):




b) Admission procedures.

Admission procedure rules at Comenius University (VP 4/2021)

Recommended study plan and information sheets

Full-time study

Recommended study plan:





Information sheets:





Part-time study

Recommended study plan:

2023/2024 (mPRVx17)

2023/2024 (mPRVx23)




Information sheets:




Prerequisities for completing the study programme

The prerequisite for completing the study programme is:

(a) obtaining 120 credits,

b) submission and defence of a thesis,

c) successful completion of the state examinations, including the defence of the thesis.

The student may take the state examination

a) after obtaining at least 107 credits

b) after successful completion of all compulsory courses and compulsory elective courses in the composition determined by the study programme, except for the state examinations,

(c) is not subject to disciplinary proceedings; and

(d) has settled all financial obligations to the faculty and the University, in particular tuition fees and fees associated with studies

Board of the study programme

Members of the Board of the study programme:


prof. JUDr. Mária Srebalová, PhD.VUPCHVTČ
Co-guarantors:prof. JUDr. Marek Števček, DrSc.VUPCH
prof. JUDr. Ing. Ondrej Blažo, PhD.VUPCH
prof. JUDr. Eduard Burda, PhD.VUPCH
doc. JUDr. Peter Lukáčka, PhD.VUPCH
Students:Bc. Svetlana Kunštatská
Bc. Viliam Valerian Vendelín Dohňanský
External environment:JUDr. Petra Príbelská, PhD.
JUDr. Pavol Szabó, LLM.


Meetengs of the Board of the study programme

Date:Description:Minutes (in Slovak):
27.04.2022discussion on the profile of a graduateZápisnica
05.05.2022approval of the profile of a graduateZápisnica
07.12.2022approval of thesis supervisors, changes of lecturers and approval of course assignmentsZápisnica
30.01.2023discussion and approval of changes to the recommended curricula for study programs and changes to the semester course placement in the curriculumZápisnica
10.05.2023evaluation of the study programme and verification of the sustainability of the study programmeZápisnica
15.05.2023approval of changes of lecturersZápisnica
08.06.2023discussion of the proposal to approve the inclusion of new elective courses in the study plan within the study programmeZápisnica
12.10.2023approval of updates to curriculum descriptions, internal evaluation reports, thesis supervisors, changes to lecturers; discussion of student feedbackZápisnica
18.12.2024approval of changes of lecturers and approval of thesis supervisorsZápisnica


Date:Body:Decision (in Slovak):
31.05.2022Accreditation Council of the FLAW CURozhodnutie
19.08.2022Accreditation Council of the CU


Description of study programmes and internal evaluation reports : 

Date:Document :
05.05.2022mPRV17 opis
05.05.2022mPRVx17 opis
05.05.2022mPRV17/mPRVx17 VHS
12.10.2023mPRV17 opis (updated version)
12.10.2023mPRVx17 opis (updated version)
12.10.2023mPRVx23 opis (updated version)
12.10.2023mPRV17/mPRVx17/mPRVx23 VHS (updated version)












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