Faculty of LawComenius University Bratislava

Master's Degree Programme

The Faculty of Law of Comenius University Bratislava does not cooperate in the admission procedure for any of the provided study programmes with any agency, intermediary or other intermediary and does not collect any fee in connection with the admission procedure other than those specified in the admission procedure criteria.  

Юридичний факультет Університету Коменського в Братиславі не співпрацює з жодним агентством, посередником або іншим посередником у процедурі вступу на будь-яку з пропонованих навчальних програм і не стягує ніяких зборів у зв'язку з процедурою вступу, крім тих, що вказані в критеріях процедури вступу. 

Юридический факультет Университета Коменского в Братиславе не сотрудничает с какими-либо агентствами, посредниками или другими посредниками в процедуре приема на любую из предлагаемых учебных программ и не взимает плату в связи с процедурой приема, кроме той, которая указана в критериях процедуры приема. 

Admission criteria for academic year 2024/2025

Requirements for admission for study at Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law, under § 57 of Act No 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and Amendment of Other Laws as amended and information under Art.  3(5) of Admission Rules of Comenius University Bratislava (No 4/2021) 




Admission criteria for academic year 2023/2024

Requirements for admission for study at Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law, under § 57 of Act No 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and Amendment of Other Laws as amended and information under Art.  3(5) of Admission Rules of Comenius University Bratislava (No 4/2021) 




Admission criteria for academic year 2022/2023

Requirements for admission for study at Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law, under § 57 of Act No 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and Amendment of Other Laws as amended and information under Art.  3(5) of Admission Rules of Comenius University Bratislava (No 4/2021) 




1. Dates of admission proceeding

1. deadline for submitting an application for studies:

"Law (in Slovak language)": 28 June 2024. In case of participation in the remedial state examination dates, the application may be submitted until 31 August 2025. The Dean may extend the deadline for submission of the application.

"Law (in English)": Until 31.08.2024 The dean may extend the application deadline.

"Canon Law": Until 01.07.2024. In case of participation in the remedial state examination, the application deadline is 31.08.2024; the Dean may extend this deadline.

"Law and Economics": until 31.08.2024.

2. deadline for submitting the required annexes to the application:

within the application deadline.

3. deadline for payment of the admission fee: by the deadline for submission of the application form.

4. deadline for the entrance examination

'Law (in Slovak)': August-September 2024.

'Law (in English)': September 2024.

"Canon Law": August-September 2024.

"Law and Economics": no entrance examination.

5. meeting date of the Dean's Admissions Committee:

"Law (in Slovak language)": Round I: 2 July - 15 July 2024; Round II: 1 September - 15 September 2024.

"Law (in English)": September 2024.

"Canon Law": Round I, 2 July - 15 July 2024; Round II, 1 September - 15 September 2024.

"Law and Economics": September 2024.

6. Deadline for publication of information to applicants on the outcome of the admission procedure

'Law (Slovak language)': Round I - second half of July 2024; Round II - second half of September 2024.

"Law (in English)": September 2024.

"Canon Law": Round I - second half of July 2024; Round II - second half of September 2023.

"Law and Economics": September 2024.

7: Date for enrolment

Common to all:

September 2024

2. Information on the number of applicants the faculty plans to admit to study the relevant study programme

"Law (in Slovak language)": 300 (full-time study); 150 (part-time study).

"Law (in English language)": 100.

"Canon Law": 20 (full-time); 20 (part-time).

"Law and Economics": 50.

4. Admission requirements: basic admission requirements

The basic conditions for admission to a second-degree programme of study are a first-degree university degree or a second-degree university degree, and the sum of the number of credits obtained in the previous higher education studies leading to the higher education degree and the number of credits required for the proper completion of the second-degree programme of study for which the applicant is applying must be at least 300 credits.

5. Further admission requirements

"Law (in Slovak language)":

(a) completion of a bachelor's or master's degree programme in law in the Slovak Republic, or completion of a master's degree programme in law in the programme of law and legal sciences in the Czech Republic, or completion of a bachelor's or master's degree programme in law in a country other than the Slovak Republic or the Czech Republic on the basis of a decision on the equivalence of documents; and

b) interdisciplinary knowledge of the theory of law and of the theoretical context of selected branches of law in the legal order of the Slovak Republic, with particular emphasis on administrative law, as well as on civil law, labour law, commercial law, criminal law, financial law, social security law; and

(c) theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in (i) civil law, (ii) administrative law, (iii) financial law, (iv) criminal law, (v) labour law and (vi) social security law (vii) commercial law.

By submitting an application, the applicant acknowledges the conditions for completing the study programme, that he/she is able to study the given study programme, that he/she is proficient in the Slovak language and in professional legal terminology in one of the following languages: English, German, French.


(a) passing the state examination in the bachelor's study programme in the full range of the specified knowledge and skills or (b) passing the entrance examination in the range of the specified knowledge and skills.


In relation to each of the specified areas, the admission conditions shall be demonstrated by (a) passing one or more courses in the bachelor's or master's degree programme in each of the areas, the content of which has been taken to achieve the full extent of the specified knowledge and skills; or (b) passing an entrance examination within the scope of the specified knowledge and skills, with a separate entrance examination in each area (but on one common date).


An applicant may be admitted if he or she has fulfilled the basic conditions for admission and the other conditions for admission. If the applicant proves that he/she has fulfilled the conditions by means of an entrance examination, the applicant must be assessed as 'pass' in each area of the entrance examination, i.e. he/she must have demonstrated at least 60 % of the skills and competences.  


Range of knowledge and skills required:


A) interdisciplinary knowledge of the theory of law and the theoretical context of selected branches of the legal system of the Slovak Republic, with particular emphasis on administrative law, civil law, labour law, commercial law, criminal law, financial law, social security law: 1. Basic principles of the creation, interpretation and application of law. Public administration and other organizational components of public power mechanisms. 3. The position of administrative law in the system of the legal order of the Slovak Republic, sources of law and legal norms. Administrative law, theory of administrative law and general theory of law. 4. Subjects of law and subjects of administrative law, legal relations and administrative law relations, elements of legal relations. 5. Organisation of public administration in the Slovak Republic within the organisational mechanism of public powers in the Slovak Republic. 6. Control of public administration. Methods and forms of public administration activity. Normative legal acts and law-making in the Slovak Republic. Individual legal acts. 7. Liability for unlawful acts 8. Enforcement of law in public administration and in private law relations. Right to good administration. 9. Decision-making processes in public administration and in other organisational mechanisms of public authority. The scope of the Administrative Procedure Code and other procedural rules in the legal order of the Slovak Republic. Principles of administrative procedure and their comparison with the principles of other application processes in the legal order of the Slovak Republic. Jurisdiction in administrative proceedings, participants in administrative proceedings. Comparison and context of procedural institutes of administrative proceedings, civil court proceedings, criminal proceedings and proceedings before the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic. Course of administrative proceedings. Decision. The course of proceedings and decisions in civil court proceedings, criminal proceedings and proceedings before the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic in comparison and context with similar institutes in administrative law. 11. Remedies in administrative proceedings and in other application processes in the legal order of the Slovak Republic. 12. Enforcement of decisions in administrative proceedings and in other application processes in the legal order of the Slovak Republic. 13. Basic institutes of private law in the legal order of the Slovak Republic. 14. Social security law and its connections with administrative law. 

B) Civil law - issues of civil law relations and its elements, legal facts with emphasis on legal acts and the consequences of defective legal acts, limitation and preclusion, being able to interpret and apply the relevant legal norms of the Civil Code and to work with relevant case law - issues of property rights and liability for damage and for unjust enrichment, legal norms regulating property rights, possession, property rights in rem and inheritance law. - legal regulation of the law of obligations, legal norms of the general regulation of the law of obligations, as well as individual named contractual types contained in the Civil Code, theoretical knowledge with application practice in the field of obligations and their security. - basic theoretical institutes of civil procedural law, first instance proceedings before the court, issues related to special proceedings, appeal proceedings, enforcement proceedings.


C) Administrative law - substantive administrative law: 1. Conceptual definition of public administration and its characteristic features, public power and public administration, state power, basic concepts and characteristics; 2. Organization of public administration, public administration in functional terms, public services, right to good administration, basic concept and characteristics; 3. Administrative law as one of the branches of the legal order and sources of administrative law, concept and subject of administrative law, system of administrative law, characteristics and its position in the legal order, sources of administrative law, legal order of the Slovak Republic and binding acts of the European Union, decisions of the courts of the Slovak Republic, the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights; 4. Norms of administrative law, administrative law relations; 5. Organisation of state administration and self-government in the Slovak Republic; 6. Territorial and administrative organisation, organisation of state administration, types of state administration bodies, implementers of state administration; 7. Organisation of self-government, characteristics, European standard of territorial self-government, self-government at the level of municipalities and local self-government bodies and interest self-government; 8. Methods of public administration activity, forms of public administration activity; 9. Control in public administration, concept, characteristics, types of control, procedure of control in public administration, control exercised by the government and state administration bodies, control exercised within territorial self-government and state supervision of territorial self-government; 10. External control of public administration, administrative supervision; 11. Legal liability, characteristics and types, subjective and objective liability, liability of administered subjects, administrative offence, concept, general conceptual features, types, European Administrative Penal Law; 12. Characteristics and types of liability of administering entities, concept, current legislation; 13. Law enforcement in public administration, law enforcement and the rule of law, inaction in public administration, and competence of bodies in public administration, causes of inaction of public administration bodies and measures against inaction, public administration as an object of scientific investigation; 14. European administrative law, concept and characteristics, sources of European administrative law, European administrative area in the context of European administrative law, European Commission, principle of subsidiarity and proportionality, European system of administrative justice - administrative procedural law: 1. Decision-making processes in public administration 2. The right to good administration and the right to a fair trial 3. Principles of administrative procedure 4. Subjects of administrative procedure 5. Initiation of administrative proceedings 6. Conduct of administrative proceedings (filing, minutes, service, time limits) 7. Evidence in administrative proceedings 8. Ensuring the conduct and purpose of administrative proceedings 9. Decision in administrative proceedings 10. Ordinary remedies 11. Exceptional remedies 12. Enforcement of decisions 13. Review of decisions of administrative authorities by the courts 14. Judicial review of inaction and unlawful interference.

D) Financial Law - Budget and Fiscal Law:1. Concept, system and sources of financial law, financial law relations (a comprehensive view of financial law, its relationship to other branches of law and its practical implementation in the context of current issues and dynamic economic development) 2. Subjects of financial law 3. Financial control in the Slovak Republic 4. Financial control in EU conditions 5. Concept and subject of budgetary law; Budgetary system; Budgetary principles; Budgetary classification 6. State budget; Other components of the budgetary system of public administration 7. Fiscal decentralisation; Budget of territorial self-government 8. Budgetary relations within the EU; General budget of the European Union; Fund management of the EU 9. Fiscal coordination in the EU, Budgetary responsibility, European stabilisation mechanisms 10. Monetary law with necessary links to EU law, 11. Implementation of monetary policy and money circulation 12. Foreign exchange law 13. Customs law Tax and fiscal law:1. Theoretical issues of tax law 2. Personal income tax - subject of tax, object of tax 3. Personal income tax - tax base, tax rate 4. Personal income tax -, tax exemptions, non-taxable parts 5. Corporate income tax - subject of tax, object of tax 6. Corporate income tax - tax base, tax rate, tax exemption 7. Tax expenses, withholding tax, tax depreciation 8. Local taxes, Motor vehicle tax 9. Value added tax - taxable person, registration obligation 10. Value added tax - taxable transactions, place of taxable transaction, persons liable to pay tax to tax authorities 11. Value added tax - tax base and tax rate, tax exemption, tax liability, tax deduction, tax refund. 12. Selective excise duties 13. Harmonisation of taxes within the EU and international taxation issues 14. Fee law


E) Criminal Law - General Part - Substantive Criminal Law: 1. Concept of criminal law, sources of criminal law, interpretation of criminal law and analogy in criminal law 2. Concept of crime, facts of crime 3. Object and subject of the offence 4. Objective aspect of the offence 5. Subjective aspect of the offence 6. Criminal complicity 7. Developmental stages of a criminal offence 8. Circumstances precluding the illegality of the offence 9. Concurrence of offences, continuing, collective and persistent offences 10. Sanctions in criminal law. Imprisonment 11. Penalties in criminal law - alternative penalties and protective measures 12. Punishment of juveniles, 13. Simulation of sentencing 14. Introduction to criminology 15. Introduction to criminology Special part - substantive criminal law: crimes against life and health, crimes against freedom and human dignity, crimes against family and youth, economic crimes, crimes of general danger, crimes against the environment, crimes against the republic. Crimes against public order, Crimes against other rights and freedoms, Crimes against conscription, against civil service, against service in the armed forces and against the defence of the homeland, Military offences. Crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, crimes of terrorism, extremism and crimes of war Criminal procedural law: 1. Concept, subject and sources of criminal procedural law, systematics of the Code of Criminal Procedure 2. Concept of criminal procedure, types and systems of criminal procedure 3. Principles of criminal procedure 4. Accused and defence counsel as subjects of criminal proceedings 5. Authorities involved in criminal proceedings 6. Court as a subject of criminal proceedings 7. The victim as a subject of criminal proceedings 8. Procedural acts 9. Seizure of items, securing information for the purposes of criminal proceedings 11. Evidence in criminal proceedings - interrogation of the accused 12. Proof in criminal proceedings - other means of proof 13. Decisions in criminal proceedings 14. Procedure before commencement of criminal prosecution 15. Preliminary proceedings as a stage of criminal proceedings 16. Investigation and summary investigation 17. Decisions in preparatory proceedings with emphasis on the filing of an indictment, 18. Review and preliminary examination of the indictment, 19. Commencement and preparation of the main hearing, 20. Decisions at the main hearing, 21. Ordinary remedies in criminal proceedings, 22. Extraordinary remedies in criminal proceedings, 23. Enforcement proceedings with emphasis on the enforcement of a custodial sentence, 24. Special procedures, 25. Legal relations with foreign countries. 

F) Labour Law - General Part: 1. historical development of labour law 2. Concept, subject, functions and system of labour law 3. Sources of labour law 4. Basic principles of labour law (concept, types and their characteristics) 5. Scope of labour law and scope of the Labour Code 6. Concept and subject matter of legal relations in the performance of dependent work 7. Breakdown, content and characteristics of legal relations in the performance of dependent work 8. Labour law facts (concept, types and their characteristics) 9. Labour law subjectivity 10. Establishment and change of legal relations in the performance of dependent work 12. Termination of legal relations in the performance of dependent work 13. Illegal work and illegal employment 14. 1. Employment relationship (concept, subject, content, types) 2. Pre-contractual relations, establishment and creation of the employment relationship 3. Change of employment relationship 4. Termination of the employment relationship 5. Working time, holidays and rest periods 6. Remuneration of employees 7. Obstacles at work 8. Protection of work 9. Employer's social policy 10. Employee's liability for damages 11. Employer's liability for damages 12. Agreements for work performed outside the employment relationship 13. Collective labour relations 14. Collective bargaining - labour relations in public administration.


G) Social security law - 1. Historical development of social policy and its core - social security law. Concept, characteristics, models, instruments, principles and functions of social policy. Economic and social rights of citizens, international social security law. 2. Concept, subject and sources of social security law. Principles, principles, functions, internal and external factors influencing the level of social security and systems of social security law. 3. Social security legal relations (subjects, content, types). 4. Origin, change and termination of social security legal relations. 5. Legal relations of health insurance - characteristics, personal scope, subjects paying health insurance premiums. 6. Origin, duration and termination of health insurance, payment of insurance premiums - percentage rate, assessment base, determining period, exclusion of the obligation to pay insurance premiums, levy, payment and maturity of insurance premiums. 7. Legal relations of social insurance - characteristics, personal scope, subjects paying social insurance premiums. 8. Incurrence, duration, interruption and termination of social insurance, payment of insurance premiums - percentage rate, assessment base, determining period, exclusion of the obligation to pay insurance premiums, levy, payment and maturity of insurance premiums. 9. Sickness and invalidity in social security law. 10. Pregnancy, maternity and parenthood in social security law. 11. Occupational accident and occupational disease in social security law. 12. Old age and death in social security law. 13. State social support (state social benefits). 14. Social assistance (minimum subsistence, material need, benefits and allowances in material need, adverse social situation - social services, compensation for the consequences of severe disability) 

H) Commercial Law - A) Commercial and Corporate Law 1) Concept and subject of commercial law, subject of regulation of the Commercial Code, principles of commercial law relations 2) Business name, protection of information in commercial law relations with emphasis on trade secrets and so-called "trade secrets". 3) Actions of the entrepreneur - differences between limitation of the statutory body's capacity to act on behalf of the company and determination of the manner of its actions 4) Commercial register - selected theoretical and application issues (types of entries, deadlines, court fees, credibility of information stated in the commercial register, alternative ways of so-called "confidential information", theoretical and application issues). 5) Unfair competition - interpretation of the general clause and interpretation of the individual facts 6) General company law - selected aspects of the establishment and formation of companies, share capital, administration of the deposit, acting on behalf of the company before its formation, non-competition, nullity of the company, etc.12 Page: 62 7) Legal regulation of partnerships - "normative handicaps" versus "practical advantages" of a public company and a limited partnership in comparison with capital corporations 8) Limited liability company -legal definition of a limited liability company, 9) Limited liability company - legal status of the managing director and supervisory board, changes in the shareholder structure, including caduction proceedings, etc. 10) Joint stock company - selective interpretation of the legal regulation of the bodies of a joint stock company, specifics of a joint stock company in relation to the formal and substantive requirements of its constituent document, selected application context of book-entry shares, etc. 11) Co-operative - interpretation of the current legislation and assessment of the possibilities of application of selected provisions (e.g. alternate general meeting) in other entities (in particular in limited liability companies) 12) Simple joint stock company - controversy over selected provisions and comparison of the alleged advantages of the j.s.a. 1) Relative, absolute and facultative commercial obligations 2) Contract of future contract with emphasis on the limitations of the ways of formulating the so called implementation contract 3) Legal regulation of security institutes - textual, doctrinal and application immanents of contractual penalty (i.e. reasonableness of the amount of contractual penalty, correlation between contractual penalty and damages, etc.). ) 4) Legal regulation of security institutes - interest on delay, comparison of the regulation of liability in the Commercial Code and the Civil Code (e.g. the question of the creation of liability), bank guarantee and recognition of the obligation 5) Some provisions on the termination of an unfulfilled obligation - contractual practice in the use of withdrawal clauses, selected application links with some provisions of frustration of the purpose of the contract, respectively with severance pay 6) Compensation for damages - comparison between the textually and interpretatively stable aspects of the relevant provisions (i.e. § 373 et seq. of the Commercial Code) and the development of contractual practice, doctrine and case law in the context of limitation of the right to compensation for damages Page: 65 7) Contract of sale - theoretical-applied interpretation of the main provisions (e.g. positive and negative definition of the contract of sale, factual and legal defects of the goods, ways of acquiring the right of ownership, etc. ) 8) Contract of work - selected doctrinal and application issues focused on the formation of the price according to the budget, the method of execution of the work and the scope of the client's right to control the execution of the work 9) Mandate contract as a basic procurement contract in correlation with Act No. 586/2003 Coll. on Advocacy and on the amendment and supplementation of Act No. 455/1991 Coll. 10) Commission contract and mediation contract - specifics of the transfer of the ownership right from the principal to a third person on the basis of a commission contract, Application interpretation of agency contract with emphasis on real estate activity 11) Agency contract - interpretation of the main doctrinal and application aspects with emphasis on the determination of the territorial scope of the agent, differentiation between exclusive and non-exclusive agency, notice periods, competing clause, etc. 12) Silent partnership agreement - comparison of the legal status of a silent partner and a partner of a commercial company, contractual practice in determining the amount of the silent partner's share in the entrepreneur's profit and in formulating clauses on the silent partner's participation in the entrepreneur's loss 13) Letter of credit opening agreement - comparison of selected theoretical and application elements of a letter of credit with traditional security institutes. 

"Law (in English)":

(a) completion of a bachelor's or master's degree programme in law in the Slovak Republic, or completion of a master's degree programme in law in a law and legal studies programme in the Czech Republic, or completion of a bachelor's or master's degree programme in law in a country other than the Slovak Republic or the Czech Republic on the basis of a decision on the equivalence of documents, and

(b) a basic knowledge of European law and international law, and

(c) language skills and abilities in English.

50% marks in the entrance examination in the basics of European law and international law, 50% marks in the applicant's language skills.


(a) The content of the knowledge test (entrance examination) shall consist of the fundamentals of European law and international law. Verification of knowledge within this scope takes the form of a written knowledge test. (b) Applicants' language skills shall be demonstrated by the production of a language certificate at at least level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages. For the purpose of verifying the applicant's language skills, language certificates issued by selected institutions within the meaning of the Annex to Decree No 319/2008 Coll. of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic shall be accepted. If the applicant does not have a language certificate of at least B2 level, his/her language skills shall be verified in the form of a written language test.

The applicant may achieve a maximum of 300 points, including 150 points for the written test and 150 points for language skills. 

"Canon Law":


The condition for admission to the Master's degree programme is successful completion of an accredited Bachelor's degree or a combined Bachelor's and Master's degree programme in law or Catholic theology, or a degree in Catholic theology, law or canon law from a foreign university, which, according to the equivalence decision, corresponds to at least the first level of higher education according to the regulations of the Slovak Republic. By enrolling in the studies, the applicant acknowledges that the educational process is based on the principles of Catholic doctrine. By submitting an application, the applicant acknowledges that he/she is capable of studying the study programme in question, that he/she is proficient in the Slovak language and in one of the following languages at least at level B2 of the European Framework of Reference: English, German and French.


An applicant may be admitted if he or she has fulfilled the basic conditions for admission to the study and the other conditions for admission to the study.


By submitting an application, the applicant acknowledges that he/she is able to study the study programme, that he/she has a command of the Slovak language and one of the following languages at least at level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages: English, German, French.

"Law and Economics":

a) completion of a bachelor's or master's degree programme in law in the Slovak Republic, or completion of a master's degree programme in law in the Czech Republic, or completion of a bachelor's or master's degree programme in law in a country other than the Slovak Republic or the Czech Republic on the basis of a decision on the equivalence of documents.

(b) knowledge of administrative law

(c) knowledge of legal theory

(d) knowledge of commercial law

(e) knowledge and insight in the field of national economy or other areas of economics and management


The Dean of the Faculty of Law decides on the admission of a graduate of the bachelor's study programme in the field of law to the master's study programme in Law and Economics. The students with the highest number of points are admitted to the study, and in case of equality of points, the admission of applicants is decided according to the order compiled on the basis of the results of studies in bachelor study programmes, the completion of which is a condition of admission (sum of weighted arithmetic averages).


The decision on the result of the admission procedure is issued by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Comenius University. An applicant may submit a request for a review of the decision on the result of the admission procedure. The application shall be submitted to the body which issued the decision, i.e. the Dean of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University. The application for a review of the admissions decision shall be dealt with in accordance with the internal regulations of the University in the presence of the deans of the two faculties or the rectors of the two universities. 

6. Further information

Please refer to the 'Admissions Criteria' section for the relevant academic year for details:
Conditions of admission to study at Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law, pursuant to Section 57 of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended, and information pursuant to Article 3(5) of the Rules of the Admission Procedure at Comenius University in Bratislava (Internal Regulation No. 4/2021)

7. General Information

Please refer to the 'Admissions Criteria' section for the relevant academic year for details:
Conditions of admission to study at Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law, pursuant to Section 57 of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended, and information pursuant to Article 3(5) of the Rules of the Admission Procedure at Comenius University in Bratislava (Internal Regulation No. 4/2021)

The Faculty of Law of Comenius University Bratislava does not cooperate in the admission procedure for any of the provided study programmes with any agency, intermediary or other intermediary and does not collect any fee in connection with the admission procedure other than those specified in the admission procedure criteria.  

Юридичний факультет Університету Коменського в Братиславі не співпрацює з жодним агентством, посередником або іншим посередником у процедурі вступу на будь-яку з пропонованих навчальних програм і не стягує ніяких зборів у зв'язку з процедурою вступу, крім тих, що вказані в критеріях процедури вступу. 

Юридический факультет Университета Коменского в Братиславе не сотрудничает с какими-либо агентствами, посредниками или другими посредниками в процедуре приема на любую из предлагаемых учебных программ и не взимает плату в связи с процедурой приема, кроме той, которая указана в критериях процедуры приема.

9. Application for studies

1. link to eprihlas: 



2. link to manuals for  eprihlas


3. mandatory attachments to the application

"Law (in Slovak language)":


To the study application, the applicant shall attach: a) certified photocopies of documents on completion of studies (university diploma, diploma supplement) in paper form or their guaranteed conversions in electronic form, b) study applicants who studied at a foreign school shall submit a decision on recognition the equivalence of the educational certificate, its certified photocopy in paper form or their guaranteed conversion in electronic form, c) documents proving the content of completed subjects, if the applicant proves that the conditions for admission have been met; it is not necessary to prove the content of completed subjects if the subject was completed at PraF UK.


A medical certificate is not required For students who have completed the 1st degree of university studies in a given academic year at PraF UK, the faculty will provide a certificate of completion of studies and transcripts of study results free of charge.


If the payment of the fee for the admission procedure is identified in the prescribed manner, there is no need to submit proof of payment of the fee.


"Law (in English)":


- Curriculum vitae (in English), - Letter of motivation (in English), - Certified photocopies of documents on the completion of a bachelor's degree (e.g. university diploma, diploma supplement, state examination certificate), - Documents proving knowledge of the English language at least level B2 (e.g. IELTS – min. 5.5, ESOL – min. FCE (Grade C), school leaving certificate, state language certificate), - Study applicants from EU member states and Slovak study applicants who studied at foreign higher education institution, submit a Decision on the recognition of the equivalence of the educational document, or Confirmation of the equivalence of a document on education issued by a foreign school, these conditions do not apply to citizens of the Czech Republic, - Statement of results from studies at the 1st stage of university studies. For students who have completed the 1st degree of university studies in a given academic year at PraF UK, the faculty will provide transcripts of their study results free of charge.


A medical certificate of the applicant's eligibility for studies is not required.


If the payment of the fee for the admission procedure is identified in the prescribed manner, there is no need to submit proof of payment of the fee.


"Canon Law":


To the study application, the applicant shall attach: • curriculum vitae, • letter of motivation, • proof of payment of the fee for the admission procedure, • certified photocopies of documents on completion of studies (university diploma, addendum to the diploma), • study applicants who studied at a foreign school, submit a decision on the recognition of the equivalence of the educational document, • a transcript of the results of studies in the 1st stage of university studies, • an affidavit that the applicant's studies are in accordance with can. 273, 279 and 283 CIC, respectively can. 665 CIC, if these provisions of canon law apply to the candidate in question • medical certificate is not required


For students who have completed the 1st degree of university studies in a given academic year at PraF UK, the faculty will provide a confirmation of completion of studies and transcripts of study results free of charge. It is also not necessary to submit a CV if it was submitted during a previous study.


"Law and economics":


The applicant shall attach to the study application: - curriculum vitae - proof of payment of the admission fee, - certified photocopies of documents on completion of studies (university diploma, supplement to the diploma), - Study applicants who studied at a foreign secondary school will submit a Decision on Recognition the equivalence of a certificate of education, or Confirmation of the equivalence of a document on education issued by a foreign school, - Statement of results from studies in the 1st degree of university studies. For students who completed the 1st degree of university studies in a given academic year at PraF UK (including the joint study program Economics and Law), the faculty will provide transcripts of the results of their studies free of charge. - Medical certificate is not required.


If the payment of the fee for the admission procedure is identified in the prescribed manner, there is no need to submit proof of payment of the fee.


4. contact persons at the faculty

coordinator for work with disabled students: prof. JUDr. Margita Prokeinová, PhD. tel. +421 2 9012 2006 e-mail: margita.prokeinova@flaw.uniba.sk

phone number of the study department of FLaw CU:+421 2 9012 9500, +421 2 9012 9311, +421 2 9012 2029, +421 2 9012 2101, +421 2 9012 9199, +421 2 9012 2114

phone NHF EUBA study department (for "Law and Economics"): 421 267291210, marta.hytkova@euba.sk

Department of International Relations and Foreign Language Studies (for the study program "Law (in English)"): Ing. Michaela Krescanková, PhD. +421 2 9012 9143 e-mail: michaela.krescankova@flaw.uniba.sk