Faculty of LawComenius University Bratislava

PhD Degree Programme

1. Dates of admission procedure

1. deadline for submitting an application for studies:
15 June 2024.
The dean may decide on an additional admission procedure; the dates for the submission of applications and the admission examination will be announced in this decision.
2. Deadline for the submission of the mandatory annexes to the application form: by the deadline for the submission of the application form.
3. deadline for payment of the admission fee: by the deadline for submission of the application form.
4. deadline for the entrance examination:
June/July 2024.
5. deadline for the Dean's Admissions Committee meeting:
June/July 2024
6. deadline for publication of information to applicants on the outcome of the admission procedure
July 2023
7. deadline for enrolment:
September 2024

2. Information on the number of applicants the faculty plans to admit to study the relevant study programme

1 to 2 for full-time study

5 for part-time study 

4. Admission requirements: basic admission requirements

The basic prerequisite for admission to doctoral studies is a second-level university degree.

5. Further admission requirements

The admission condition is:
(a) completion of a master's degree programme in law in the Slovak Republic, or completion of a master's degree programme in law in the Czech Republic, or completion of a master's degree programme in law in a country other than the Slovak Republic or the Czech Republic on the basis of the Decision on the Equivalence of Documents.
(b) excellent knowledge and skills in the field of law to be the subject of the doctoral studies - at least at the level of a graduate of a master's degree programme.
(c) the ability to study, communicate at a professional level and publish in at least one world language; for this purpose, an active knowledge of English is required; knowledge of another world language (German, French, Spanish and Italian) is an added value.
(d) Scientific and teaching qualifications.
Special requirement for full-time applicants:
(e) Ability to fulfil the obligations according to Article 2(5) of the Study Regulations of the Faculty of Law: A student of a full-time doctoral study programme is obliged to stay on the premises of the Faculty for the purpose of fulfilling his/her study, pedagogical and scientific tasks, at least to the extent determined by the Dean or another person authorised by the Dean, and this extent determined by the Dean or another person authorised by the Dean shall not exceed 35 hours per week. A student of a doctoral study programme in the full-time form of study shall carry out the instructions imposed on him/her by the dean, the vice-dean, the supervisor, the chairman of the programme committee, the chairman of the departmental committee, the head of the department or the director of the institute, the deputy head of the department or the director of the institute, within the framework of the activities of which he/she carries out his/her scientific, pedagogical and other duties. The pedagogical and scientific duties of a full-time doctoral student include his/her own teaching, participation in the teaching of a supervisor or other member of the department or institute, preparation of materials and didactic aids for lectures, seminars, tutorials, as well as all forms of examinations, participation in all forms of examinations and state examinations, including supervision and preparation for examinations, participation in conferences and scientific events organised by the faculty, including their co-organisation and organisational support, compilation of proceedings published by the faculty, research and support for research in the department or institute.
The conditions of admission under (a) are demonstrated by the submission of relevant educational documents and, if applicable, the Decision on Equivalence of Documents; for applicants who have completed their studies at the Faculty of Law of Comenius University and are applying for doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law of Coemnius Unievrsity in a given academic year, the faculty will provide confirmation of completion of studies and transcripts of the results of their studies free of charge.
The applicant shall demonstrate the conditions of admission under (b) by passing an entrance examination within the scope of the prescribed knowledge and skills.
(a) proof of at least one year's study in an English-language programme of study, or (b) an oral presentation at the entrance examination.
The conditions for admission under (d) shall be demonstrated by the submission of a dissertation project and its presentation as part of the admission procedure and by any publications.
The conditions for admission under (e) shall be demonstrated by an affidavit.
The committee shall determine, by closed ballot, whether the applicant has passed and the ranking of successful applicants on the basis of the following criteria:
I. The quality of the candidate's dissertation project and its presentation to the admissions committee - score: max. 60 points. 
II. The knowledge demonstrated in the oral examination before the admissions board in the field of law to which the study programme to which the applicant has applied is related - score: maximum 10 points. 
III. Knowledge of foreign languages - maximum score: 15 points. 
IV. Participation in scientific or academic activities, publications and academic merit in previous studies (Bachelor, Master) - maximum 15 points.
To be considered 'pass', the applicant must demonstrate at least 60 % ability and skills.

Content of the entrance examination:
"Theory and History of the State and Law": sources of law and the formation of law. Implementation, application, interpretation of law and legal reasoning. History of constitutional law and history of administrative law in Slovakia. History of private law and history of criminal law in Slovakia.
"Constitutional law": constitutional foundations of the Slovak Republic and constitutional principles. Fundamental rights and freedoms. Constitutional institutions of the Slovak Republic.
"Administrative law": Public administration (concept, functional and organisational definition) and administrative law. Control in public administration and control of public administration. Accountability in public administration. Legal institutes of administrative law. Special administrative procedures.
'Labour law': Individual employment relationships - formation, change and termination and atypical forms of employment. Individual labour relations - working time, remuneration, social policy and liability relations. Collective labour law - subjects and participation of employee representatives in labour relations and collective bargaining. Protection of rights and legally protected interests arising from labour relations. Social security law.
"Criminal law": Substantive criminal law - general part. Substantive criminal law - special part. Criminal procedural law - general part. Criminal procedural law - special part.
"International law": Methods of regulating private law relations with links to several legal orders simultaneously. Sources of private international law. Subjects of international law. International law protection of human rights. Protection of the environment by instruments of international law.
"Roman law": Personal law. Substantive law. Law of obligations. Procedural law.
"Commercial and Financial Law": Topics written by the Department of Commercial and Economic Law: Company law. Commercial relations of obligation. Insolvency law. Topics written by the Department of Financial Law. Tax law. Financial market law.
"Civil law": rights in rem. Inheritance. Obligations. Liability relations. Proceedings in court.
'European Union law': EU institutional framework. EU law and its effects. The EU internal market.
'Canon law': Sources of valid canon law. The concept of power in the Catholic Church. The hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church. The territorial structure of the Catholic Church. Basic concepts of penal canon law.

6. Additional information

Please refer to the 'Admissions Criteria' section for the relevant academic year for details:

Conditions of admission to study at Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law, pursuant to Section 57 of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended, and information pursuant to Article 3(5) of the Rules of the Admission Procedure at Comenius University in Bratislava (Internal Regulation No. 4/2021)

theory and history of state and law

constitutional law

administrative law

labour law

criminal law

international law

roman law

commercial and financial law

civil law

canon law

EU law

7. General information

The Faculty of Law of Comenius University Bratislava does not cooperate in the admission procedure for any of the provided study programmes with any agency, intermediary or other intermediary and does not collect any fee in connection with the admission procedure other than those specified in the admission procedure criteria.  

Юридичний факультет Університету Коменського в Братиславі не співпрацює з жодним агентством, посередником або іншим посередником у процедурі вступу на будь-яку з пропонованих навчальних програм і не стягує ніяких зборів у зв'язку з процедурою вступу, крім тих, що вказані в критеріях процедури вступу. 

Юридический факультет Университета Коменского в Братиславе не сотрудничает с какими-либо агентствами, посредниками или другими посредниками в процедуре приема на любую из предлагаемых учебных программ и не взимает плату в связи с процедурой приема, кроме той, которая указана в критериях процедуры приема.

8. Information for applicants who have previously studied abroad

Applicants who have studied at a foreign university shall submit a certified photocopy of the Decision on the Recognition of Equivalence of a Document of Education or the Certificate of Equivalence of a Document of Education issued by a foreign school in documentary form with the application form.

Details of the process for assessing the equivalence of documents can be found here: https://www.minedu.sk/23276-sk/akademicke-uznavanie-dokladov-o-vzdelani-a-stupna-vzdelania/

9. Application for studies

1. link to eprihlas:  



2. link to manuals to eprihlas


3. mandatory annexes to the application form

To the application form the applicant must attach:

a. CV,

b. certified photocopies of documents of graduation (university diploma, diploma supplement) in documentary form; for applicants who have completed their studies at the Faculty of Law of Comenius University and are applying for doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law of Comenius University  in a given academic year, the faculty will provide confirmation of graduation and transcripts of the results of the studies free of charge,


c. an inventory of their published articles or an inventory of the results of other professional and scientific activities, or evaluations of these works and activities,


d. proof of payment of the admission fee,


e. applicants who have studied at a foreign university shall submit a certified photocopy of the Decision on Recognition of the Equivalence of a Document of Education or the Certificate of Equivalence of a Document of Education issued by a foreign school in documentary form,


f. a framework project on the topic of the dissertation in the scope of 5 to 7 standard pages.




A medical certificate is not required 


4. contact persons at the faculty

Coordinator for work with disabled students: prof. JUDr. Margita Prokeinová, PhD. tel. +421 2 9012 2006 e-mail: margita.prokeinova@flaw.uniba.sk

Department of Science and Doctoral Studies tel.: +421 2 9012 9418 e-mail: daniela.brillova@flaw.uniba.sk web: www.flaw.uniba.sk