Faculty of LawComenius University Bratislava

Economics and Law

Information on study programme

Name of the study programme:Economics and Law
Field of study:

30. Law/ISCED-F 0421 Law
8. Economics and Management/ISCED-F 0311

Cycle/level of qualification:first/ISCED 6

Academic title:bakalár/Bachelor (Bc.)
Form of study:full-time/part-time
Code CRSP22001/105889
Code PraF UK AIS2 bEaP15/bEaPx15
Standard length of studythree years (full-time)/four years (part-time)
Method of studyattendance method

About the programme

The joint study programme Economics and Law (hereinafter referred to as "EaP") is a unique study programme in the field of education in the Slovak Republic. It is aimed at training professionals of a broad profile. Graduates of this study programme will obtain a first cycle university degree in economics and management and in law with an academic degree of Bc. (Bachelor). They will acquire knowledge not only of the general economic basis, but they will also receive sufficiently deep legal training and master the legal methods of applying economic knowledge in the organization of economic life. Graduates of the EaP study programme will acquire a high-quality professional theoretical foundation in both the economic and legal fields during their studies. This includes the basics of economics, finance, banking, insurance, economic or social policy, as well as Roman, constitutional, European, administrative or commercial law in close connection with the latest knowledge of practice.  The knowledge acquired during the study enables graduates to link economic and legal knowledge more effectively and comprehensively and to apply it in practice.

Graduate of the joint EaP study programme:

•  simultaneously acquire knowledge of general economic and legal basis, while acquiring legal methods of applying economic knowledge in the organisation of economic life,

•  acquire the ability to analyse and understand economic and legal processes taking place in the macro- and micro-spheres, to assess theoretical and practical problems at different levels of the national economy in state and local administration, in public and private institutions, in the field of international relations,

•  can understand the substantive and procedural problems of legal practice, knows the basics for providing legal advice in the field of administrative law and partly civil and commercial law,

•  the theoretical basis of teaching the study field of law is the basis for acquiring skills in the interpretation of law and in the use of legal reasoning, whereby the achieved Bc. education enables the graduate to correctly navigate the frequent changes in legal regulations and the wide range of legal opinions,

•  acquire the prerequisites for analytical skills and the ability to synthesize legal ideas and legal texts, logically orientate themselves in the system of legal regulations and correctly apply legal norms, while assessing the solved problem comprehensively and taking into account all economic and legal aspects,

•  efficiently processes and uses information from scientific and professional literature, knows how to work with case law, is guided to acquire the latest knowledge and trends of current developments in the field of economics and law,

•  is able to formulate all acquired knowledge into a coherent oral and written expression,

•  finds application in practically every area of the national economy and in management structures of all levels - in enterprises, offices, banking and other financial institutions, in central and local government bodies, in national and international companies.

The study programme also continues vertically at the second level of study, where it focuses on providing more comprehensive knowledge intended for graduates and for key professions focused on the issues of economics and law at the same time..

Graduates of the EaP study programme with economic and legal foundations are able to work successfully in various areas of the national economy and in management structures of all levels - in enterprises, offices, banking and financial institutions, in central state administration bodies, in national and international companies.

Graduate profile and educational objectives

The main educational objectives of this study programme include:

•          the ability to understand and develop basic knowledge and understanding of economics as well as law

•          the ability to relate the acquired knowledge and insights in the context of economic and legal contexts

•          Ability to apply critical thinking and analytical skills and to form basic hypotheses in economic and legal theory using modern information technology.


Key learning outcomes include:

•          to acquire the basic knowledge for the exercise of key professions with the aspect of linking the economic and legal approach

•          identify and link the basic economic and legal conceptual apparatus, understand the principles and connections of economic and legal theory with practice

•          apply theoretical economic and legal knowledge in practice in order to design their own comprehensive solutions to economic and legal problems

•          think analytically and critically in practical procedures using information technology.

Upon completion of the EaP study programme, the graduate is able to work independently but also as part of a broader professional team, is capable of analytical and critical thinking. He/she is prepared to prepare new proposals for solving economic and legal problems in the form of written as well as oral presentations, focusing on the issues of finance, corporate management, accounting in close connection with the legal basis. The graduate is able to prepare complex economic and legal solutions to problems in public as well as private administration.

During the studies, the graduate will acquire both theoretical and practical skills. He/she is able to link economic and legal approaches in solving complex as well as sub-problems. He/she will be able to identify basic deficiencies and problems of an economic and legal nature. At the same time, he/she will be able to continuously expand his/her knowledge of economics and law, in particular by using modern information technology. After graduation, as part of his/her professional development, he/she will be able to continue his/her studies at 2nd level within the law and economics programme of study, as well as within a wide range of purely economic and purely legal study programmes respectively.


Template for meeting the learning objectives

Employment of graduates

Statistical, financial and insurance clerks

Payroll clerks

Tax professionals

Managers of administrative, support and commercial activities

Production and specialised services managers


Specialists in science and technology

Administrative, support and business specialists 


Administrative, support and business support professionals

Civil servants 


The graduate will be able to work in the field of finance, banking and insurance, as a professional in public administration at all levels of the national economy: in the state administration, in financial market institutions, in central and commercial banks and insurance companies, or in the financial section of an organisation in another sector of the economy.


Graduate will also be able to work in junior positions within international organisations such as the European Commission, the European Central Bank or the European Banking Authority and its bodies, as well as, for example, in domestic professional institutions such as the Ministry of Finance and its subordinate organisations such as the Treasury, the Debt and Liquidity Management Agency, the Financial Directorate, the Tax and Customs Authorities. 

Also in self-governing bodies in enterprises and companies, in international and domestic banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions.

Upon completion of the follow-up Master's degree, the graduate may perform professional functions and positions in the public administration and in the private sector, which require a second degree in law. After fulfilling other legal conditions and completing a Master's degree in law, he/she meets the formal requirements to perform the functions of a judge, prosecutor, advocate, bailiff, notary public.

Admission conditions and admission procedure

Required competences and prerequisites for admission.

The basic condition for admission to the bachelor's study programme in law, field of study law is the acquisition of a complete secondary education completed by the matriculation examination. Other conditions, namely: the deadline for submitting applications for studies, the conditions of admission, the method of verifying their fulfilment shall be published by the faculty no later than 20 September of the academic year preceding the academic year in which the study is to begin. The studies shall comply with the requirements for the purposes of mutual recognition of professional qualifications under specific regulations.

Conditions of admission to study at Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law, pursuant to Section 57 of Act No 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, as amended, and information pursuant to Article 3(5) of the Rules of the Admission Procedure at Comenius University in Bratislava (Internal Regulation No 4/2021):


The basic condition for admission to the first cycle of studies is a complete secondary education or a complete secondary vocational education completed with a matriculation diploma. Another condition is passing an entrance examination in all its parts. The entrance examination consists of written tests in the general academic prerequisites and in one foreign language of the applicants' choice and the faculty's offer, as well as in the subjects Logic and History. The admission of applicants is not based on the results achieved in secondary school studies, nor on the level of the final examination and its subjects and their results. These conditions are based on the current admissions policy for the first cycle of studies.

Admission procedures

Candidates apply electronically exclusively through the Academic Information System of the UE in Bratislava. The entrance examination is in written form (test questions). The evaluation of the tests takes place on the day of the entrance examination using computer technology (scanning of the answers given on the answer sheets and automated evaluation) and only on the basis of the identification data, which is a barcode. Once all the tests have been evaluated, the results are transferred to the candidates' database and the sum of the scores of all the tests is automatically calculated for each candidate. The sum of the scores obtained in all parts of the admission test is used to produce a qualitative ranking of the candidates. The Faculty Admissions Committee decides on admission to the course of study on the basis of the results of the admissions examination.

Recommended study plan and information sheets


Recommended study plan::



Information sheets:




Recommended study plan::



Information sheets:




Prerequisities for completing the study programme

A prerequisite for completing the study programme is:

(a) obtaining 180 credits,

(b) submission and defence of a thesis,

(c) successful completion of the state examinations, including the defence of the thesis.


The student may take the state examination

(a) after obtaining at least 160 credits

(b) after successful completion of all compulsory courses and compulsory elective courses in the composition determined by the study programme, except for the state examinations,

(c) is not subject to disciplinary proceedings; and

(d) has settled all financial obligations to the faculty and the University, in particular tuition fees and fees related to studies.

Board of the study programme

Members of the board:

Chairpersonprof. Ing. Eva Muchová, PhD.
Members for the Faculty of National Economy, University of Economics in Bratislava


prof. Ing. Eva Muchová, PhD.VUPCHVTČ
Co-guarantorsIng. Marcel Novák, PhD.VUPCH
doc. Ing. Karol Morvay, PhD.VUPCH
Members for FLAW CU
Guarantor:prof. JUDr. Matúš Nemec, PhD.VUPCHVTČ
Co-guarantors:doc. JUDr. Jana Duračinská, PhD.VUPCH
doc. JUDr. Matej Horvat, PhD.VUPCH
Students:Filip Gono
External environment:Mgr. Michal Látečka


Meetings of the Board:

Date:Description:Minutes (in Slovak):
20.01.2022discussion of the draft graduate profilezápisnica
23.05.2022approval of the description of the study programme zápisnica
08.12.2022approval of the revised study plan for full-time and part-time studies in the study programme Economics and Lawzápisnica
12.01.2023approval of state examination topics and the form of the state examination; approval of final thesis topicszápisnica
17.01.2023voting on the draft questions for the state final exam in the subject of Administrative Law; voting on the update - addition of 7 thesis topics to the list of already approved thesis topics for the NHF EUBAzápisnica
11.04.2023vote on the proposal to adjust the size of the subject matterzápisnica
19.05.2023approval of changes of lecturerszápisnica
19.06.2023submission of a draft evaluation template for the assessment of learning objective 1zápisnica
22.09.2023evaluation of the course of the state examinations; results of the evaluation of learning objective 1; proposal to change the name of the subject of the state examinationszápisnica
10.10.2023vote on the draft Evaluation report on the implementation of the study programme Economics and Law for the academic year 2022/2023zápisnica
17.10.2023approval of thesis supervisors, changes of lecturerszápisnica
25.10.2023approval of the update of the curriculum descriptions and the internal evaluation reportzápisnica


31.05.2022Accreditation Council of the FLAW CURozhodnutie
19.08.2022Accreditation Council of CURozhodnutie
02.02.2023Accreditation Council of the FLAW CURozhodnutie

Descriptions of the study programme and internal evaluation reports: 

Date:Document :
bEaP15 opis
bEaPx15 opis
bEaP15/bEaPx15 VHS
25.10.2023bEaP15 opis (updated version)
25.10.2023bEaPx15 opis (updated version)
25.10.2023bEaP15/bEaPx15 VHS (updated version)




National Bank of Slovakia


Agreements on terms of cooperation 

Dohoda o podmienkach spolupráce pri zabezpečovaní spoločného študijného programu vysokoškolského štúdia v znení dodatkov č. 1 až 3 (Agreement on the terms and conditions of cooperation in the provision of a joint programme of higher education studies, as amended by Appendices Nos. 1 to 3)

Dodatok č. 4 k Dohode o podmienkach spolupráce pri zabezpečovaní spoločného študijného programu vysokoškolského štúdia (Addendum No. 4 to the Agreement on the Terms and Conditions of Cooperation in the Provision of a Joint Degree Programme of Higher Education)