Právnická fakultaUniverzita Komenského v Bratislave

Cudzojazyčné predmety

Cudzojayčné predmety vznikli vďaka projektu Cudzojazyčný magisterský študijný program „Law of European Integration and Globalization“, ITMS kód projektu: 26140230010, spolufinancovaného Európskou úniou z Európskeho sociálneho fondu v rámci operačného programu Vzdelávanie. 

Moderné vzdelávanie pre vedomostnú spoločnosť/Projekt je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov Európskej únie. 

FIRST/WINTER SEMESTER - Basic offer of subjects for the academic year 2024/2025

At the beginning of the semester, we´re adding into this basic offer of subjects also subjects from our English study programmes - students are informed about this at the beginning of the semester (together with the schedule information), because it depends on the free capacity.

Administrative Law of the European Union3
Company Law3
EU Competition Law and State Aid6
EU Law 15
International and European Labour Law and Social Security Law4
International Environmental Law3
Legal Aid Studies2
Legal Skills (Interpretation and Argumentation in Legal Practice)3
Mergers and Acquisitions3
Private International Law 14
Proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union3
Public International Law 15

SECOND/SUMMER SEMESTER - Basic offer of subjects for the academic year 2024/2025

At the beginning of the semester, we´re adding into this basic offer of subjects also subjects from our English study programmes - students are informed about this at the beginning of the semester (together with the schedule information), because it depends on the free capacity.

Comparative Constitutional Law3
EU Environmental Law3
EU Law 25
European Criminal Law2
Human Rights Protection in the European Union2
Intellectual Property Law3
Introduction to Common Law3
Introduction to Law and Economics3
IT Law3
Legal Aspects of Climate Change2
Legal Ethics3
Private International Law 25

Public International Law 2 and International Criminal Law