Faculty of LawComenius University Bratislava

Institute of Information Technology Law and Intellectual Property Law

In its pedagogical process, the Institute of Information Technology Law and Intellectual Property Law (“the Institute”) offers interdisciplinary courses the basics of which can be found in other areas of law – especially in the area of administrative law, criminal law and civil law. The primary goal of these selective compulsory courses and elective courses is to provide the students with a complex legal perspective of the issues of legal informatics, IT law, communication law and media law while using the knowledge gained in other areas of law. Teaching process is realised by using innovative methods namely by solving cases and simulated legal disputes while simultaneously using information technology devices.

Members of the Institute also get actively engaged in scientific activities related to the area of their expertise and they actively take part in foreign as well as Slovak scholarly conferences and also publish the results of their scientific and research activities in foreign as well as Slovak publications.



Director of Institute:

doc. JUDr. Jozef Andraško, PhD. 


Deputy Director of Institute:

JUDr. Matúš Mesarčík, PhD., LL.M.



tel.: 02/592 44 440   

e-mail: upitpdv@flaw.uniba.sk

office: 517 NB


Institute of Information Technology Law and Intellectual Property Law

Comenius University, Faculty of Law

Šafárikovo nám. č. 6

P.O.BOX 313

810 00 Bratislava