Právnická fakultaUniverzita Komenského v Bratislave

Jean Monnet Module - European Union Tax and Corporate Law

O projekte

Jean Monnet Module - European Union Tax and Corporate Law

Zodpovedný riešiteľ: prof. JUDr. Mária Patakyová, CSc.

Realizácia: 2024-2027

The project aims to enhance the coverage of EU law topics within the curricula of the Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava through introducing specialized courses in corporate law and tax law that comprehensively cover the EU law context of these fields. The courses will provide students with a unique opportunity to acquire knowledge of principles and fundamental caselaw in Direct Taxation, Indirect Taxation, and Corporate Law. Such knowledge would allow the students to understand not only the technical (legal) context of the covered topics, but would allow them to better grasp the notion of common EU principles relating to migration, business conduct and investment within the entire EU area. Ultimately, this would lead to strenghtened understanding of EU citizenship by course graduates.

The above objective is to be reached through four specialised one-semestre courses covering: EU Tax Law - Indirect Taxation, EU Tax Law - Direct Taxation, and two Company Law courses. The courses are to be designed and supervised with senior faculty members with extensive knowledge and experience in the fields with the help of existing authoritative textbook literature. The students will have a choice between either of the courses or a combination thereof. The teaching methods will include managed discussions, case-studies and short essays. Each course should be available to approx. 25 students per semestre, which leads to an estimated number of 100 to 300 students benefiting from the project throughout the threeyear period (based on the overlap of participants between the courses). It is expected that the participants to the courses will be able to apply the EU law aspect organically when designing and/or applying the relevant rules in practice in Slovakia. Apart from courses the outputs should comprise a set of Slovak language teaching materials and articles available to legal professionals and general public.